Police Repelled After Driving Convoy of Cars Into Crowd as British Columbians Block 176st Border

2 years ago

On February 12, thousands of British Columbians descended on the 176st Canada/USA border with the goal of showing their politicians they are not a small, fringe group of extremists. Around 12 pm, police attempted to dispurse the huge crowd marching on the border by driving vehicles into the crowd, but protesters sat down in front of the police vehicles and police were forced to retreat. By midafternoon, huge trucks drove over barriers and blocked the border which primarily serves as a truck crossing. The message from the protesters was clear, though it would be misrepresented in the media: "End the mandates and give us our rights back."

For at least that one day, the people had taken their power back from their rulers. Smiles and laughs could be seen everywhere and "freedom" was the secret password to join and take part. Global News which always slanders the freedom movement as violent was walking around with a crew of two with no body guards and seemingly no fear. There were men and women of all races, all ages, all walks of life with one thing in common. A love of freedom and individual rights. These are concerned citizens who feel Canada is moving one small step at a time into tyranny.

As dusk came, hundreds of people stayed and danced into the night with chants of "freedom," "we will win," and "we are the fringe." Protesters danced within feet of police cars while others peacefully chatted with the officers present. In many ways, it was a beautiful demonstration of what makes Canada so great. My wife commented to me that in Mexico these protesters would risk being murdered (as many have been). This is the dangerous creep into totalitarianism the freedom movement wants to avoid.

As a side note, many people claim that the blockages are hurting the economy, but what about the million of Canadians who have lost their job or can't find a job because of the vaccine mandates and lockdowns. When the government destroys the economy with lockdowns it is "necessary policy." When the people do it to a much smaller extent, it is "terrorism."

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