"The Minister's M.O." (2nd Tim 2: 23-26), 2022-02-20, Longbranch Community Church

3 years ago

Join with your Longbranch Community Church today as Pastor John explores 2nd Timothy 2:23-26 which deals with the Minister’s Modus Operandi (M.O.) “&” our standard operating procedure (S.O.P.). Mind you, there will always be exceptions to the rule – but this doesn’t alter the rule itself. “Don’t be quarrelsome, be kind to everyone, be able to teach, patiently endure evil, and be gentle to all.” And how, pray tell, are we to do this? Zechariah 4:6 reminds us that it is “not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit” says the Lord of hosts.

Additionally, we enjoyed a super-sweet time of heartfelt prayer today; what a joy to lift not only our requests, but also our heartfelt thankfulness, …to such a loving a Savior.

*Today’s sermon begins at 29min / 25 secs.

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