Dexter Pitts book release I AM PITTS part 2

3 years ago

Dexter Pitts is a proud Purple Heart recipient and medically retired U.S. Army veteran. He proudly served in Iraq with the 10th Mountain Division and is a graduate of American Military University with a bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice. After serving his country in a time of war, Dexter exchanged his military fatigues for a police officer uniform. He has continually served his community as a law enforcement officer for over a decade and a one-year tour of duty as an agent with the United States Border Patrol on the southern Arizona border.

Raised as a Christian in a military family, Dexter starts to question his faith in the wake of his mother’s unexpected suicide while he is on duty. Having struggled all of his life trying to find his own identity, Dexter became submerged in the battle between his conservative values, black skin, and PTSD (Post Traumatic-stress Disorder).

Despite the obstacles that have befallen him, Dexter stands unshakable in his faith and identity as a proud American patriot who believes in the promises of America. Dexter’s faith and values are tested once more as civil unrest consumed America in 2020. In defense of his profession, his community and the U.S. Constitution, he stands shoulder to shoulder with his brothers and sisters of the thin blue line on Louisville’s embattled streets.

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