U.S. Military Vaccine Injury Cases Being Deleted From Military Database

2 years ago

Attorney Leigh Dundas who is helping Senator Johnson's covid investigation, is blowing the whistle on military vaccine injury cases being erased from a military database. This is your new modern day asymmetrical warfare. They are not only killing or incapacitating innocent men, women, and children worldwide, but have effectively targeted the U.S. military personnel as well, and are feverishly trying to hide their diabolic deeds. The U.S. and many other nation states have been infiltrated at key points for some time now.

Keep in mind and heart, that there is one true Almighty God, and He alone is the Judge of all. He blesses, and He curses, both individuals, and nations. Get right with Him, and you have NOTHING to fear. Wait on Him and keep your powder dry. If and when He wants you to do something, He will let you know with no doubt, and you will have God Almighty backing you 100% Hold Fast.

GET SAVED: Prayer and intro from a sister in Christ's website if you need help:

The ABC's of Salvation:

Trust in Jesus ❤️

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