Why I drive old trucks, Old Trucks vs New Trucks

3 years ago

Phil's view point on using old trucks. We try to avoid payment, keep our overhead low. This gives us the freedom to live and not panic if one of our businesses slows down. He sticks to the early 90s to late 90s trucks; they are simply better trucks. Much easier to work on.

The other thing we do is multiple streams of income.

00:00 Why he would buy & drive an old vehicle
00:35 It's all about math
01:00 He drives early 91-97 trucks because he can work on them
01:30 Get the same mileage deduction
02:15 How much maintenance do I do?
03:15 My personal opinon is...
03:55 Little secret he's taken 4 vehicles oven 400,000 miles
04:15 We DON'T change the oil
04:35 Older vehicles you're changing the oil as you go
05:10 Don't change the air filter cause there isn't one
06:15 Tip on automatic vehicles if you have ever overheated it
06:45 Keep the oil, change the filter
07:20 Thoughts on tires
07:55 Try to keep the tires all the same size on the rear, try on front
08:10 How many vehicles he recommends...Always want a backup
09:35 If going on a long trip, might rent or buy a nicer car for that
10:10 Buying AC in the winter and heaters in the summer-off season
11:00 Save a LOT of money, it's just all math

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