Mayor Blames Businesses - I'm So Pretty

3 years ago

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot blamed retailers for not making safety a priority amid a string of smash-and-grab thefts at retail stores in recent months.

“We still have retailers that won’t institute plans like having security officers in their stores, making sure that they’ve got cameras that are actually operational, locking up their merchandise at night, chaining high-end bags. These purses can be something that is attracting a lot of organized retail theft units,” Lightfoot said Monday.

Rob Karr, the president and CEO of the Illinois Retail Merchants Association, said Chicago businesses need the “fingerprinting among leadership to stop.”

Groups of looters in masks have stormed stores in orchestrated plots to steal thousands of dollars worth of merchandise in downtown Chicago and the city’s suburbs.

Republicans sexually frustrated, actually want to date her

It turns out there’s a reason Republicans are hostile to Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: They want her to be their bae.

That, at least, is the Democrat’s explanation for why conservatives mocked her for fleeing COVID-plagued New York for Miami Beach during the holidays with her sandal-wearing boyfriend, as shown in photos posted by National Review.

“If Republicans are mad they can’t date me they can just say that instead of projecting their sexual frustrations onto my boyfriend’s feet,” fumed Ms. Ocasio-Cortez in a Friday tweet. “Ya creepy weirdos.”

Trudeau reduces sentence for serious gun crimes

On Tuesday, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau promised to crack down on gun crime, then on Thursday his government introduced legislation to reduce sentences for serious gun crimes including weapons trafficking and importing.

Camel Beauty contest

Camels kicked out of beauty pageant for using Botox, lose $66M prize

More than 40 camels were booted from a Saudi Arabian beauty pageant after getting administered Botox, hormones and other appearance enhancing techniques. This marks the biggest crackdown in the contest’s history.

“The club is keen to halt all acts of tampering and deception in the beautification of camels,” the Saudi Press Agency said of the dromedary disqualification which occurred at the annual Abdulaziz Camel Festival, near Riyadh, where breeders compete for nearly $66 million in prize money, the Washington Post reported. The camels are judged on the shape of their heads, necks, humps, dress and postures — think the camel equivalent of the Westminster dog show.

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