The Sunday Eucharis-28-12-2021

3 years ago

We celebrated a very special Eucharist last Sunday. I was seated ringside at our gym in Dulwich Hill, having shown up that morning to deliver to the church the community petition to save our boxing gym. As it was, nobody was there to collect our petition. Nobody was there for church at all!

I don’t know whether the church was trying to avoid us or whether they figured there wouldn’t be enough people attending that Sunday to make it worthwhile (it being the day after Christmas). I hope it was the latter. Either way, I left the petition on the desk in the church office and then the eight of us who had come sat on the side of the boxing ring and prayed together.

In some ways our small gathering was a wonderful reflection of the gym's thirty-one years of ministry in that place. A half of us were boxers. Most of us were Christians or one sort or another, but we had two Muslim friends in our number too. In truth, we were an odd collection, but we came together beautifully in prayer, and in celebrating what the boxing gym has done for us and our community over the last generation

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