People Get Ready, Come Get on Board

3 years ago

For many years I have tried to pay this song and could not in the way I would like until the other night. It just flowed from my hands and heart while listening to Pastor T.D.Jakes preaching, if you have never heard him I recommend him highly for he will get you to think and do your spiritual homework &:) . All good things are worth working for. Amen

The words in this song is so amazing, Curtis Mayfield wrote this song "People Get Ready" and I want and need to give him the credit for it. Mr. Mayfield wrote it in 1965 the year I was born . The was during the civil rights struggles of the '60s. The song reached many hearts, especially those of that had real tough challenges to overcome, breaking the back of lifes injustice and harshness placed upon man and family. Mr. Mayfield made it clear that transcended race. "It doesn't matter what color or faith you have," he told Goldmine in 1997. That to me is a man after my own heart because we all matter.

"People Get Ready" was released during a time of civil unrest in America, when the country was in turmoil over race relations and the Vietnam War just as Mayfield was beginning to infuse his work with social commentary. Here is his Song please listen to it, its amazing, with great riffs and timing is just perfect. Between the groups harmony and with the background instruments make this song more fulfilling into the soul...

The version of me singing it is still needing lots of work. I am only posting it because it fits for the day and moment and I hope Mr. Mayfield will not mind. My Version, is not for sale, its simple posted for your enjoyment and reflection of great written words of Faith.

I am sure if you like the words you can purchase Mr Mayfields version and please listen to him on Spotify where he can earn from your enjoyment of listening to his words and music. Thank you.

Here is a bio link about Mr. Curtis Mayfield an amazing Song Writer /Composer / Guitar Player as well.

I hear the sounds of the train coming, within the words of this song , that is why I placed a beat upon the guitar. I guess you can say this was Inspired through an Unction of the Holys Spirit. I hope you like it. Please forgive my sound and choppiness no excuses just know that I recorded it in my bathroom lastnight 1/14/22 on my cell phone... lol

TG for technology.
One day it will have a piano with it played by my True Love and accompaning him will be his best friend on acoustic guitar. I could see them really getting this tune... I pray it into fruition In Jesus Name , God Bless

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