How To Grill Steak During a Blizzard |

3 years ago

Hey Folks,

Admiral BigGun from here. You can call me ABG for short, but please don't call me late for the food!

Just because the weather outside is frigid, doesn't mean you cant cook up some tasty ribeye steaks in the backyard.

REMEMBER: Always grill to temp. Your time to completion will vary depending on meat thickness, location, how many beer's you have had... etc.

I HIGHLY recommend a meat thermometer when checking the internal temperature of your food.

RARE = 120-125 degrees F
MEDIUM RARE = 130-135 F
MEDIUM = 140-145 F
WELL DONE** = 155-160 F

**IMPORTANT NOTE: If someone asks you to cook the steak well done… just make ’em a hamburger instead. Seriously! Why in the billyheck would they want to destroy the flavor and awesomeness of a good steak by overcooking it? Next they’ll be asking you to top it with a whole bottle ketchup. SHEESH!

Anywho... Click here for | SevenTips for Making Flame Kissed Steaks

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