Private Companies Are Stifling Freedom Of Expression (Interview with Tennessee Senator Bo Watson)

2 years ago

This is something worth calling about…

Right Now, Republicans in Tennessee are being heavily Censored on Social Media platforms.

Conservative Thought, News, and even Jokes are censored.

Members of Congress have been deplatformed and even our likely 2024 Presidential nominee has been deplatformed.

Social media access is as important, if not more important than direct mail, radio or television in Elections. Deplatforming Conservative candidates and thought has the practical effect of election interference.

If you have ever had your Conservative voice censored by social media or are concerned how social media censorship will affect our Elections, please do the following:

• Watch this interview with Senator Bo Watson - we discuss a bill he is sponsoring in the Tennessee Senate to combat Social Media Censorship in our state.

• Contact the members of the Business and Utilities Subcommittee prior to their hearing the House version of this bill (HB2369) tomorrow, Wednesday, February 23rd. You can find their contact information here -

In the interview, Watson also touches on Governor Lee’s budget and K-12 funding formula, Federal “relief funds” infrastructure investments and School Choice.

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