Heavy Duty Hand Winch With Cable

3 years ago

Heavy duty hand wench with cable that is used for moving large items, vehicles, anything heavy.

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This is, a this is another tool that we use a lot while moving vehicles. Anything heavy, anything, but I've used it to pull double wides together, move mobile homes around on rollers. But this ratchet, you have to, in order to you if you bring it down in here. This particular gear catches on that and this one over here keeps it.

Now, if you want to loosen, you have to take the pressure off of this one down here. And then release it and then. "The pressure off of there." This one here tilts, this spring right here goes that way, and you pull it out. Then you push the spring back this way pulling back this way and I can ratchet. so you pull this spring this way, and it lifts it up.

And you release it that way, but you don't. Now, this particular style supposed to have another hook right here, or a ring right here so that this one will go to this ring and you'll be able to pull twice as much off of this particular roller well. But I've disconnected that to get the extra length, and I don't need that much actual strength.

So here's another tool that I use all the time. I'll show you some of the other ones that I've got. Different lengths, and different sizes.

#HandWench, #heavydutyhandwinch, #handwinchwithcable

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