FHR #011 - Mindset, Overcoming Challenges, & Living in Gratitude with Dr. Amanda Barrientez

3 years ago

The Seven Day Mental Diet: How to Change Your Life in a Week by Emmet Fox https://www.amazon.com/Seven-Day-Ment...
Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones by James Clear https://www.amazon.com/Atomic-Habits-...

Max potential habbits podcast https://www.drbarrientez.com/maxpoten...
Make sure to check out Amanda’s FREE minicourse Called Own Your Inner Boss that helps entrepreneurs train their mindset to up-level their business. Simply visit (www.OwnYourInnerBoss.com)

Freedom Hack Radio Website: https://www.freedomhackradio.com/
Freedom Hack Radio YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSo5...
Freedom Hack Radio iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast...
Also available on your favourite podcast platform

This episode is an interview with the NFA coach Dr Amanda Barrientez
What it takes to improve your mindset to succeed
How to transform your self doubt into confidence
Amanda’s story to becoming the coach she is today

Mindset takes up 80% of what we need to succeed so you need to get head right first
Dr Amanda Barrientez is a mindset coach
She’s an NFA coach who helps entrepreneurs build thriving businesses
Amanda has experienced an affair, divorce, relationship collapse and being a single mum before she had her breakdown moment and realized her life needed to change.
She Got free resources through podcasts etc and then saved money for coaching which transformed self doubt into financial reality
She helps business owners overcome their blockers
Amanda experienced bad relationship models when she was growing up so she married young and had kids at 20 and dropped out of college.
Her ex husband was an entrepreneur but not good at business and lost money
She went to do undergrad and realized her relationship wasn’t working and had an affair
When the next relationship fell apart she worried about being homeless and said to herself ‘this is not the reality i want’
She realized I have to shift myself; i am the common denominator here.
Money and relationships were a skill that she hadn’t learned and she realized she wanted to be a coach and teach others about this
She felt divinely directed towards being a coach
It was a three year process to shift her mindset
This means shifting unconscious belief systems - if you’re split inside you have a competing commitment you’re going to be stuck so you have to break through this barrier
In doing this she shifted her friend group, environment and learning materials.
She started a saving account which she called her money magnet account and put away 10% each month
The word ‘decision’ means ‘cut off’ so when you make a decision everything that doesn’t align just falls away
Your outer world is a reflection of inner world - if you don’t like what you’re getting then look within.
Amanda’s idea of the ultimate freedom lifestyle is the choice to wake up everyday and do work what you want to do - whether that's 15 hours or 5
Design your life because you have the freedom to do so and make sure it’s aligning with your values
Rituals that help Amanda; exercise, meditate daily, journal 4-5 days a week to get clarity each day on what she’s doing
Contact - nfacoaching.com

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