POWER RANGERS KARATE CLASS - 2 - Fight Rita Repulsa - Learn a Crescent Kick - KIDS KARATE

3 years ago


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Power Rangers Episode 2!

Fight Rita Repulsa and help the power rangers save the city!

In this Karate Class for kids at home, we learn how to do a crescent kick, how to do a turning kick, and how to defeat Rita Repulsa.

These skills help kids grow in confidence, resilience, and courage. Learning new skills at home and learning martial arts at home in a safe environment is a great way to help kids explore new things their bodies can do in a safe environment. As kids learn new skills in our virtual classes that are engaging and based on computer game style scenarios, they have the opportunity to explore new skills, fail, learn and come back better without the worry of being judged and condemned for "not doing it right".

The videos are about helping kids focus on improvement, not being right or wrong.

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