Medical Genocide - Your Doctor, A Danger

2 years ago

I have over 10,000 pictures and many videos showing the wanton destruction of my body by doctors not one not two not 10 dozens several hospitals being called mentally ill being defamed being left in pain you can't even imagine if you think labor is bad there's something worse there's something much worse and people commit suicide over this malady that doctors refuse to treat properly and sometimes they just refuse to treat.

You are in danger because your doctor doesn't know half as much as he thinks he does or she thinks she does.

After 2,000 hours of research I can say unequivocally that the only reason I'm alive is because I've done my research.


At least one stroke.

Heart pain that is renting I know I'm having angina and the doctors won't do anything about that.

And the dissolving of my skin because I was bitten by an animal that was almost killed by another animal the domestic animal that bit me was almost destroyed by a raccoon.

The raccoon was very ill and we were talking parasites and fungus and bacteria nobody has tested my blood for parasites nobody has tested my urine for parasites nobody has tested my feces for parasites because they come from inside and come outside to your skin guess what nothing you do is going to stop them.

When your doctor declares that you have cellulitis and they are lying their asses off to get you to sit there for 6 hours in a hospital room in agony and laughing at you at the same time a doctor of osteopathy is no longer your friend as they used to be.

What's worse than the destruction of doctors and the medical profession is the absolute negligence and ignorance of the nurse.

Nurses in our nation are of two stripes, there is one who absolutely mirror Clara Barton the amazing woman who figured out the bacteria kills who figured out the doctors better start washing their damn hands who figured out how people were dying in sepsis in the civil war how dare our doctors now come to us without gloves on how dare they use an otoscope in your ear and move that little plastic thing from one ear to the other that is ignorance and wanton destruction.

There have been many doctors who could have stopped this one of them was prescribing me ivermectin and then stopped and believe me becoming drug resistant is one of the things that will destroy a human being I've had 35 years plus of antibiotics they don't know what that does to an immune system I've had black box drugs pumped into my system I've been forced to have a hysterectomy there is nothing left of my body that is normal there's no balance to it I am a walking corpse and that's what these things think I am.

These things I don't even want to give them a name per se I'm sure I did in the video because I wasn't paying I don't care, whatever they are they move fast they can rip your skin on the top or the bottom underneath and they can dissolve your skin and make it a puffy mess in less than 6 hours if I drive from one place to another even if I'm getting in and out of my car it doesn't matter I mean one space that's bad and infested space because I'm reinfesting it over and over and over and over.

People around the world are suffering and dying from what I have because the doctors do not comprehend what it is now that I have done my research I'm telling you I know how this might be asswaged in many people.

The dermis is thick but these things can go down to your muscle and keep going because they are what eats a corpse okay that's exactly what he eats a corpse that's why when medical examiners find a body and it's really bad mess and it's kind of greasy and puss destroyed* that's what these things have done to it.

You are in danger every time you go to a doctor because if you believe them without doing your research they will lead you down a path of complete and absolute genocide.

Are medical professionals are not professional anymore even a doctor of osteopathy who my gosh I've had a few good ones in my life, I'm telling you these people know nothing to make me sit in an emergency room in Billings Montana at the Billings clinic for 6 hours suffering like I was while this thing spread they didn't even market to see if it would this is medical murder my mother was murdered by a doctor, my father was killed by the VA.

I have a dead daughter she lived three days it's because the doctors were that dumb they didn't understand that if I kept taking an antihistamine my daughter would die.

My doctors have not literally done anything to fix anything in my body since I became a military dependent at 16.

I need help and I can't get help even a dumb lawyer doesn't get it it's like you don't want to go for like millions and millions of dollars because these people have literally destroyed me and we can upend the stupid people in the medical profession who are killing people to the tone of 500,000 people a year just in the United States alone and no that does not include covid and no that doesn't not include abortion.

Our doctors have been ignorant since 1973.

My grandmother had the gold standard of heart Care in golden age of heart Care and her medical bill was like $500 complete for a triple bypass. She had a pension, she was on social security which gave her a comfortable living so much so that she moved from Los Angeles to Hawaii. And there I'm sorry she was a smoker because she could have lived much longer but as a person who walked and smoked she lasted until she was 78 which God bless her.

But she had amazing medical Care so her cigarettes weren't killing her because most of her life the cigarettes weren't poisoned in the first place.

I need help and I need a lawyer and that's an absolute fact if you know a lawyer who absolutely knows what they're doing if you know a lawyer who's also a doctor if you know a medical researcher please point them my way because I need to either amputate this leg or get someone to help me fix it.

This is the most painful thing that people will go through it burns like an acid burn and a flame burn and razor blades and glass being rubbed into your skin all at the same time I need help.

I will post other videos to show the progression of this disease and the cycle of this disease and it is a huge cycle once you get to a certain point that's it they start dissolving your skin and if you can't get it under control I can see what's going on it's going down to the muscle again I've already had that happen twice this is the third time so this horrible cycle this nasty cycle that many people are going through usually we just crossed over but I've got the allergic component which means I'm also walking around in anaphylactic shock constantly.

Because my skin is so friable so fragile so amazingly just broken and shredded it cannot fight and my legs being surgically messed up by doctors who didn't know they were doing again no blood flow, no healing.

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