Robert Greenberg – Music, Tower of Power, Life

3 years ago

From the very beginning of the Break It Down Show, we've loved Robert Greenberg. Over the course of 1200+ episodes we've explored everything with Dr. Bob. When Pete A Turner's dad Bob died, they sorted out life and music.

When Dr Bob's dad died, the fellas got together. Jon Leon Guerrero and Pete connected with Dissect podcasts Cole Kuchna they discovered that Cole was also a fan of Dr Bob--You know what happened next. They blew Cole's mind by sitting the two of them down for a great episode of BIDS.

Greenberg is a Break It Down Show staple. We love Dr Bob!!!

With the passing of Pete's brother Eric J Turner, it's time to once again, get together and examine life, music, history and the things that matter most. Get ready for a world class episode. Robert, Jon and Pete get into the best that is what life is about

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