A woman asked to Padre pio, "Where is his soul?"

3 years ago

From the book Prophet of the people; a biography of Padre Pio
by Gaudiose, Dorothy M., 1920

Notes: please continue to learn the catechism well and find a good traditional priest to teach you well. God bless

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Catholic books and images:
✅ Our lady of Guadalupe: https://bit.ly/3DT8Er4
✅ Confession by st. Augustine: https://bit.ly/3DNwnZG
✅ Trustful surrender to divine providence: https://bit.ly/3E6lQJr
✅ Christus Vincit: https://bit.ly/30q7Xb9
✅ Imitation of Christ: https://bit.ly/30nxb9U
✅ Imitation of Mary : https://bit.ly/3INs83U
✅ Padre Pio's book: https://bit.ly/3GLUfin
✅ Padre Pio statue: https://bit.ly/3pX3Xr7
✅ Our Lady of Fatima statue: https://bit.ly/3EWWMFJ
✅ St. Joseph statue: https://bit.ly/31Oi2PX
✅ St. Michael Archangel: https://bit.ly/3s8XaNQ
✅ St. Michael Archangel B: https://bit.ly/3GEQGuf

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