Winter Season Gardening and Sowing my favourite flowers - Allotment Vlog

3 years ago

Hello today I am sharing with you sowing my favourite flowers this winter season. I can not wait to start gardening and planting these out. Last night I dreamt about walking though a field of dahlias, the flower heads were enormous. I have been looking through last years summer growing photos, (Do you do that?) and I cant wait to see our growing space look like a jungle again.. I cant wait for cold drink and BBQs over the allotment. I miss it so much! This is a time for resting and dreaming, and every seed we sow is a little hope that allows us to dream of the sound of bees, with blue skys over head.

Thanks for watching, and if you haven't already, please consider subscribing.

Happy gardening


Music can be found on the Youtube studio:

fractal of light - Chris Haugen

Seed used:

PREMIER SEEDS DIRECT - Dahlia - UNWINS Dwarf Mix - 300 Finest Seeds

Marigolds - french petite mix

Cosmo - sensation mix

Verbena - scentsation

Branchycome - Blue star 2

Zinnia - Giant cactus mix

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