Lord, speak to me, that I may speak

3 years ago

#hymn #worhsip #garageband

1 Lord, speak to me that I may speak
In living echoes of your tone.
As you have sought, so let me seek
Your erring children, lost and lone.

2 Oh, lead me, Lord, that I may lead
The wand'ring and the wav'ring feet.
Oh, feed me, Lord, that I may feed
Your hungry ones with manna sweet.

3 Oh, teach me, Lord, that I may teach
The precious truths which you impart.
And wing my words that they may reach
The hidden depths of many a heart.

4 Oh, fill me with your fullness, Lord,
Until my very hearts o'erflows
In kindling thought and glowing word,
Your love to tell, your praise to show.

5 Oh, use me, Lord, use even me,
Just as you will, and when, and where
Until your blessed face I see,
Your rest, your joy, your glory share.
1 Oh, ruégote, Señor Jesús,
que tú me enseñes siempre a hablar,
cual eco vivo de tu voz,
a los que vagan sin tu paz.

2 Dirígeme, Señor Jesús,
a fin que sepa dirigir
al vacilante y débil ser
que triste anhela ir a ti.

3 Enséñame, Señor Jesús,
y haz tú que pueda yo enseñar
palabra tuya que es maná,
que al alma hambrienta vida da.

4 Oh, lléname, Señor Jesús,
de gracia y de tu gran poder,
que todos a mi alrededor
tu amor inmenso puedan ver.

5 Ocúpame, Señor Jesús,
tal como quieras y doquier,
y que la gloria de tu faz
en tu presencia pueda ver.

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