21-02-2022 Due in court tomorrow 22nd Feb 2022 11am Kaikohe District Court.

2 years ago

21-02-2022 Monday Night LIVE with Karen Brewer
Due in court tomorrow 22nd February 2022 11am Kaikohe District Court.
Despite repeated requests to inspect the original document of royal assent to the COVID 19 Public Health Response ACT 2020 none has been supplied.
Requests placed with NZ Police Prosecutions
New Zealand Attorney General David Parker MP
New Zealand Governor Cindy Kiro

Legislation does NOT become law until it receives royal assent - in commonwealth countries meaning the Governor must sign seal and date it.

Such an important document one would think it would be easy to locate and produce for inspection HOWEVER all of the above have failed to produce.
Our judiciaries are lawless, we all know that!
Our judiciary is entirely infected with Freemason DeMolays, bred for purpose spider insiders, from Freemason DeMolay families and educated inside Freemason DeMolay schools, we know.
No matter what happens to me tomorrow ladies and gentlemen surround your Governors they hold the reserve power to dismiss parliament and issue the writs for fresh election.
Want to win a war? Surround those Governors the time has come to end the Masonic shit show.

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