Energy Science of Living Buildings

3 years ago

Hosted by Dan Winter –

Biologic architecture principles and real applications
Juan Schlosser -

Juan Schlosser is a bioarchitect and the founder of Bio Arc. The theme of his work is nature energy in all its forms and manifestations.

Juan has extremely diverse experience with sacred geometry structures through the use of patterns and forms found in nature. Taking after his father, the renowned Austrian sculptor, Adolfo Schlosser, he has developed a touch for merging beauty, art and space, creating energetic environments. By taking inspiration from natural forms and the generative geometry that permeates all things, he has developed a language to his style.

Based in Bali, Juan as co-founder of ‘The New Earth Project’ and founder of Bio Arc, continues expanding the vision of bio architecture as a medium to redefine architectural practices and contribute to generating a scientific design basis to creating a regenerative architectural system.

Applications and experience from a biologic architect

Juan will present his professional work as a biologic architect and design engineer. His legendary bamboo structures have unique energetic qualities beneficial to all living systems.

Juan will touch on the measurement of buildings, confirming how charge signatures (fractal and centripetal) actually correlate to seed germination and life force. “If life force equals the ability to attract and self-organize capacitive charge, it becomes possible to define the real function of architecture. One reason architecture should look like biology is that biological structures have discovered through evolution the materials and shapes which allow the electrical fields we call life to converge into self-organization and self-awareness”. (Dan Winter –

Juan has also developed electrical measurement and techniques for implosion in water, identical in principle to electrical implosion in sacred architecture.

Bio-Architecture is the art of designing and building spaces enhancing living systems.

Through organic shapes, fractal patterns, certain proportions and bio-resonant ecological building materials it is possible to create functional and sacred space that nurtures and heals the body, mind and spirit.

This is key to reestablishing a symbiotic relationship between man and nature.

"Integrating bio-archictectural small budget dwellings in natural environments
Alosha Lynov -

Since 2007 Alosha Lynov has been developing a living habitat that merges nature with curvilinear interactive play space into one cohesive Living Bio Shelter organism that protects and nourishes the people living within whilst being able to withstand the extreme cold weather without conventional heating.

He recently relocated to Russia to develop Wautillarium Eco Home for Subzero t°. Once complete, this permaculture-inspired biological eco dwelling will heat and cool itself with laws of physics as well as thermophilic bacteria that thrive on human waste, producing compost for food production. The water cycle will loop between shower and food growing and water treating botanical cells.

Alosha is a natural builder, designer, and inventor who has synthesized the greatest minds of the planet in the fields of water ecosystem design, living machines, Augmented Reality parametric vault eco-construction to develop a fully autonomous home that is buriable and thus can handle the harshest and most erratic weather patterns, EMR radiation as well as strong wind and snow loads.

His passion is to share a functional hands-on DIY building techniques creatively infused with the laws of physics, biology, bio geometry, biomimicry, soil regeneration, water filtration as well as augmented reality.

By using natural and indigenous materials as well as tried and tested catenary and curvilinear forms, we can build eco homes using minimal amount of bought materials whilst retaining their strength and robustness.

I hope to inspire you to design and build your own Living Bio Shelter Organism that treads lightly on our planet, mimicking nature’s genius by heating and cooling itself using laws of physics, whilst harvesting rain and UPcycling waste water multiple times through REgenerative living machines.

My latest research is leading me to incorporate EMR protection using a mix of Bio Geometry and Orgonite into the building material. (organic and inorganic compounds that a freely available as waste)

Recorded November 28 2021
“Thriving in a Time of Crisis:
Building Sovereign, Self-Reliant Communities
on the Land.”

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