Interesting funny video

2 years ago

Smart Dog pretends to be injured.
It turns out that dogs can indeed learn how to pretend an injury. They learn to pretend an injury and fake pain. When they want attention or they do it when they want to get their way. … Suddenly, your dog starts walking to you but they are limping and acting as if they hurt themselves

The number one reason a dog will pretend an injury is for attention. Your puppy may not fully understand what he or she is doing, but they do know that when they pretend some kind of ailment, a good pet owner [hopefully] will run to their aid [as you should]!.

Do dogs act like they are in pain for attention?
If you have ever experienced a similar situation, you may have wondered if your dog could be faking pain or pretending that they injured a paw or leg. In this video, the funny thing is, this dog pretends to be leg injured to cross the road.

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