Increasing Numbers Of Heart Attacks Blamed On Everything But COVID-19 Vaccines

3 years ago

An increasing number of heart attacks are being reported by the mainstream media. What is causing this alarming rise? Everything but COVID-19 vaccines...

Original Rebel News Video:


Media Loves Heart Attack Stories — Just Don't Mention The Covid Vaccine!
By Lewis Brackpool
Rebel News
February 19, 2022

Some stories are real, some are fake news. But they all bury the idea that the COVID vaccines may be a contributing factor.

Heart attacks have been the legacy media's push recently where articles have cropped up over 2021 and 2022, primarily focusing on heart attacks.

In my own opinion the legacy media have not addressed that it could even be attributed to the COVID-19 vaccinations, with only a minuscule number of articles mentioning the vaccines.

In this report I explain that I put up a post on Instagram playfully mentioning that I should “build a list” of these articles.

I did just that by outlining the most ridiculous heart attack articles such as shoveling snow, to skipping breakfast, none of which even mentioned that it could be the vaccine.

I also explain that even if you mention or hint that the idea of the COVID-19 vaccines could contribute to myocarditis, pericarditis or any other heart condition, you're immediately shut down or written off as a “conspiracy nut”.

You the viewer however, can make your own mind up, are these articles meant to bring attention to heart attacks because the legacy media care for your health?


COVID-19 Vaccination Stories, Side Effects & Healing

COVID-19 Vaccine Adverse Event Tracking System (VAERS)

COVID-19 Vaccine Bad Batches Reference Page

COVID-19 & Antibody-Dependent Enhancement (ADE)

Covid-19 – Vaccine-Induced T Cell Suppression, Virus Activation, Cancer, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s

COVID-19 Menstrual & Breast Milk Disruptions, Miscarriages, Infertility, Transmission (Shedding)

COVID-19 Magnetism, Graphene Oxide, UV Fluorescence

COVID-19 Testing, Face Masks, Vaccine Exemption Letters

COVID-19 Healing Resources

Censored, Sidelined And Villainized Doctors, Nurses, Health Care Workers Describe Their COVID-19 Experiences

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