Are UN Unmarked Troops Doing Beatdowns in Ottawa?

3 years ago

Good evening, I’m still reporting on the coup in Canada.

Well, tonight is the dawn is of a new, brighter chapter in the world of social media. Donald Trump’s new “Truth Social” site is now open – for sure to users of the Android operating system, and for sure tomorrow to Mac users.

However, our fearless tech team has found a work around for you to jump onto the site tonight. It seems their search function is fully operative and my channel name is: BillStill – run together. All you have to do is to put “BillStill” in the search box and up we will pop.

We have big plans for this site which we will start to unroll soon, and trust me, there will be no holds barred from here on.

Well, the Canadian truckers’ Freedom Convoy has broken up and gone home after some very mysterious storm troopers suddenly popped up in Ottawa to do the beatings as they were arresting folks.

But it may well be that these were not Canadian police of any stripe, but U.N. Special Forces trained to fly in and disrupt locals fighting for their freedom.

Truckers were reporting that there was a sudden sea change in the demeanor of the police. They suddenly had no qualms using violence, even on little old ladies barely able to walk. Here is one lady who was using a walker in the streets when totally unmarked horsemen trampled her yesterday.

No names, no markings, no badge numbers – nothing. However, word did get out that there was a U.N. private jet at the airport and so some of the truckers drove out there last night and took some cell phone video of it.

The Australians noted a full month ago that suddenly U.N. paddy wagon vehicles started showing up at an unmarked marshalling yard, and there was a lot of speculation about what are U.N. troops doing there.

So, there is no doubt that Canada’s Little Justin is being told by somebody what to do and to hold firm because it’s clear that most of the Canadian Parliament has turned against him, but he is holding an obvious totalitarian, anti-rule-of-law line for no obvious reason other than someone desperately wants autocracy to win this, the opening battle in a new sort of warfare.

That’s why 3 days ago I urged the truckers to go home rather than give Little Justin the first victory in this war between the masters of the universe and the commoners. Fortunately, the truckers pulled out after the first 75 trucks had been towed today. Ottawa officials tonight floated a trial balloon that the trucks should be sold to pay for the enforcement action.

So, it was a small victory for the minions of satan, but an important one. In all fairness, Canada was chosen as the first place these U.N thugs were placed to put down peasant rioters because #1 Canadians are disarmed, and #2, Canadians are a sweet, gentle people, the easiest to provide the MOS with an early win.

But tomorrow, the Parliament has scheduled a vote to end all COVID restrictions nationwide. That will be interesting to watch and it may yet be a reversal for the Truckers’ Freedom Convoy.

So here is my best guess as what’s going on here.

They have been planning this plandemic as cover for a worldwide totalitarian advance for quite some time – years, certainly. They had to have some sort of plan to counter citizen unrest. In Canada, they suspected that Canadian police could not be persuaded to beat up on little old ladies in the streets of Ottawa. In fact the police chief of Ottawa resigned last week, presumably because he saw what was coming and wanted no part in it.

These are specially trained storm troopers. They are not nationals. They carry no name badges or other insignia. They are totally illegal occupiers of Canadian soil, unaccountable by the laws of Canada. Only the Canadian Army could shut them down, and the Army has already announced that it is not getting involved.

Now, the U.S. truckers are starting their Freedom Convoy either Tuesday or Wednesday and roll into D.C. in time to surround the Capitol in time for Biden’s March 1 State of the Union Speech. Security fencing is already going up around the Capitol grounds.

This will be a different kettle of fish. U.S. truckers know what the heck is going on, and there will certainly be enough trucks to stop up every street within a mile of the downtown mall area. This will be very, very interesting.

I would just urge the U.S. truckers not to be provoked into violence, but keep a sharp eye out for the same ANTIFA thugs who incited all the violence of the Jan. 6th riots.

I’m still reporting from the citadel of world freedom. Good day.

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