Bill Gates admits the virus is the va€€ine 🤡

2 years ago

I’ve been listening to Joe Imbriano since this entire scamdemic began. I felt the new technology had something to do with it. Sure enough, Wuhan is where it went live first. Is that why those people dropped in the streets? Air pods can allow the millimeter waves to triangulate on someone’s head and they become a moving target. 5G is a military grade weapon. It broadcasts at 60 Ghz (FCC site) which disrupts oxygen uptake. Joe is very prophetic because he’s warned about this scenario years in advance. This “psychological operation” was planned long ago & we’ve been in the “drill phase” as the powers that be test emergency response systems, (hence all of the setting up and removal of empty quarantine tents in countless cities/ countries) weaken everyone’s immunity with nanofiber/graphene laced masks that can cause advance stage lung cancer, plus do acidify the blood due to inhaling co2 over an extended time, all while they scare the people into believing in this airborne contagion that never existed.. so when they do go “live” by amplifying 5G remotely (since they’ve been installing it rapidly everywhere worldwide simultaneously all night long), closing major roads, testing/honing the equipment while placing it in public buildings, schools, hospitals, prisons, in new vehicles, antennas on new blinding & retina damaging street lamps, under man holes.. Everything is created to harm us now like the new vision impairing vehicle headlamps, weaponized hvac systems marketed as “air purifiers” that seriously damage the lung lining with cold plasma reactive nitrogen species generating systems... When people do get sick or drop dead by the groves from the combination effect of all of that plus microwave radiation poisoning with graphene oxide confirmed in the jabs that made them conductive to the frequencies, & cytokine storms, antibody dependent enhancement - paired with underlying conditions, they’re all gonna think “oh no, it’s the coronavirus or a new scariant”! That’s the textbook definition of a common cold. This will be much worse. Top notch Microbiologist/ virologist Dr. Stefan Lanka exposed the entire virus fraud based on fraudulent germ theory a long time ago! Big harma uses it to kill people with legalized dope. They’ve just destroyed everyone’s immune systems with vaids so that they won’t be able to even fight off a common cold... now marketing new aids drugs. Nobel laureate Luc Montagnier said the triple boosted need to take
hiv tests. This is premeditated mass murder. Attorney Reiner Fuellmich of the “corona investigative committee” is exposing part of it with Mike Yeadon but they all have compartmentalized knowledge to an extent. The long brain probing fake diagnostic testing swabs were laced with cancer causing ethylene oxide, spun with nanofibers and used to open the blood brain barrier to toxins in an effort to allow the graphene & nanoparticles (from the shots) easier access into the brain... they want people connected to ai & Dr. Carrie Madej exposes the transhumanism agenda too per puppet master Klaus Schwab “The Great Reset” It’s all very diabolical! Just Say NO! Here’s some of the irrefutable evidence: and here’s some protective measures to take to avoid the frequencies: Email me for a link to all of my albums and social media!

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