Riot Police - Feb 19th freedom convoy

2 years ago

you can see my other videos at

2:35 protest start
5:57 huge crowd
6:40 o canada
7:05 woman saying they are peaceful
8:15 protester encourages police to come to our side
10:25 police-view from higher up
11:24 protester urges us to move back "give them one more block"
12:50 riot police say "no negotiations"

14:48 War veteran speech!!!

22:40 woman addresses police. Says she respects them.
23:52 police start to loosen up. Talk to people.
26:38 protester annoys police.
26:55 I speak to the police.
35:35 Police give advice on my camera battery
38:40 my conversation with a woman wearing goggles and police start to pepper spray.
45:48 chat with police about guy who get pepper sprayed
47:35 2 people yell at police
49:15 police officer ignores me
50:56 My candid conversation with a Calgary female riot police officer. "They're probably tired" she says.
52:25 police withdraw 
53:27  War veteran interview

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