Stephane Bancel Describes (Moderna CEO) Vaccine as an Injectable Operating System March 2021

2 years ago

See for yourself on the ModeRNA website: "Recognizing the broad potential of mRNA science, we set out to create an mRNA technology platform that functions very much like an operating system on a computer. It is designed so that it can plug and play interchangeably with different programs. In our case, the "program” or “app” is our mRNA drug - the unique mRNA sequence that codes for a protein."

They don't even hide it! Ladies and gentlemen, HUMANS, this is NOT a vaccine for health, it is a vaccine to inject tiny microscopic chips that will work their way into the brain and receive signals from Telecoms 5G frequencies. If you think humanity have been programmed/brainwashed from watching too much Tel-a-Vision, just wait until you to see the NWO beast system begin to transmit signals to their first generation of vaccinated human cyborg meat-robots.

Not everyone will die from these vaccines, some people's body will accept the chemicals and nanoparticles and slowly transition into some of the first terminators and darth vader's of the second modern world. Watch, you'll see. I hope I'm wrong but I've been at this research for so long that I see the patterns, and they are not pretty. The unvaccinated and unmasked will be viewed by the cyborgs as the enemy, as not normal.

Educate your friends and family on biology and human anatomy and how to be healthy. Grow and eat alkaline food, drink plenty of clean filtered water, get adequate sunlight, and eat seaweed for iodine. Humanity would be wise to resist this lunatic NWO trans-humanism agenda. Grow these items:

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