Plandemic: Indoctornation

3 years ago

This is not a vaccination story. This is a population management story. Think about it. If it's you are an elitist, and it's your intention to make this beautiful Earth that we live on the exclusive playground of you and the mere .00001% of people on this planet whom you identify with, then the 7.8 billion other people who you consider "useless feeders," people who are just gobbling-up your resources, are a BIG problem that needs to be controlled, managed, and ultimately eliminated.
And, even if it takes you and your collaborators decades on order to do so, then so be it. You must find a way to gain complete control over these people that you "outrank" so that you can herd them, manage them, feed them, medicate them, and cull them in a way that is consistent with your goals, and you must do it in a way that's no different than the way in which a rancher might control and manage a herd of cattle that he owns.

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