Canadian Bill To Stop All "Vaxx" Mandates. Please share!

3 years ago

Information found here ~

"THIS IS A CALL OUT TO CANADIANS. PLEASE SEND OUR BILL TO STOP VAXX MANDATES TO YOUR ELECTED GOVERNMENT REP ASAP. TRUDEAU’S EMERGENCY MEASURES MUST BE STOPPED BEFORE CANADA DEVOLVES FURTHER INTO AN UNCHECKED POLICE STATE - Government has ONE WEEK to come up with a plan that must be approved at the Senate and Commons level. Let’s inundate the desks of politicians to see if they have the courage and integrity to do the right thing before it is too late…"

(Link to the Bill here - downloadable PDF)

Dear MP, MPP, MLA ___________________,

How is it possible that Canada and the world has gone from a 2 week lockdown to flatten the curve, to, two years later, a 2 tier apartheid society that allows only the vaccinated to enjoy many freedoms, to hundreds of thousands of Canadians faced with the impossible “choice” of taking an experimental injection that is linked with tens of thousands of deaths in the U.S. (see the VAERS data), and almost a MILLION serious debilitating injuries or “adverse events”, or lose their jobs, their homes, their businesses, their lives?

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