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Lounger & scrounger video phone call sun 20 feb 2022 320pm GeorgeGodley*com vlog*com 0140S03
Lounger & scrounger video phone call sun 20 feb 2022 320pm GeorgeGodley*com vlog*com 0140S03 transcript
Oh my God. Not again, huh? Had to happen, can't be and not do anything. We're doing a lot, but not not this because I explained last time. Thanks for visiting and 100 domains. Sunday, February 20. 2022. 2022. 3:00 PM UTC GMT. Calling Gaik again because I'm gonna make a lot of calls, but this is ready to, this is Internet ready. This is 4K ready, 8K ready. Why? we’ll get into all that in a bit. But. Just explaining. Yeah, he's the uh, he's my colleague from the episodes a year ago that hopefully you'll see eventually. So one of one of the many collaborators or colleagues. Creative consultants that I collaborated with. OK, so and the reason it's an inside joke I call him. Gaaik because when we were in Sochi 20 years ago, there was this woman called, Teresa said, yea she couldn’t pronounce H cause in Russian there's no “h”, apparently. So he said Gaik she kept when she got drunk in the hotel room, she kept going “GAAIK”. So now it's an inside joke. I call him GAAIK and he was joking that 20 years later she might not have any teeth left and she should be like Gaaik. The reunion 20 years later, we were going to go back, but because of the COVID FRAUD, we never got around to. Anyway, I'm gonna be more diplomatic on this one. A little more relaxed, much more relaxed. I don't want to lose my temper and swear I I went over. You know, we're improving the format. So I wrote whole bunch of notes here. I'll go over them later. That's not this production notes, but. And I've got a little little outline, little little bit prepared this time. Just anyway he's waiting, so let's go. Let's call him, anything else. Yeah, it's about that time of month, ladies. When you feel a cramp coming every because it's monthly. Now I'm doing. I should be doing it fortnightly or maybe weekly WEAK. But yeah, if you feel like cramp coming on, it's me. I'm on the way and. Let's. Call. Pink dot. Need that pink dot. This is funny. I'll tell you why. Hello? owot? What's up? That's what they used to say when I came here from my first year abroad. Everybody was saying, “O-WOT?!”, and I never heard it again. But anyway, gonna show yourself? a lot of people just want audio they, and I'm not gonna shout either anymore. I'm gonna calm down. Maybe I should bump up the DB. But I might there might be some dynamics. Hey, how you doing, man? Yeah, I'm fine. And you. Sorry, man. I was. Took a lot of preparation as the time was approaching my my my heart rate was going up, my pulse was going up and it's like. Responsibility, man. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Pressure. a little pressure. It's becoming a performance. Every phone call now, it shouldn't be like this. We should have normal calls. No camera or, you know it. Now it's becoming like a huge for me anyway. Yeah. I had a couple things I wanted to ask you. Are you doing OK? You're fine. Better. Hey, I can hear the TV man. Can you turn it down a little bit please? Sorry, 0 TV. Sorry. Sorry. Can you imagine directing everybody I meet. So I'm like, hey. No, you should ask me to ask my neighbors not to.. Hey, the neighbors have Wi-Fi, but we'll get to that In a bit. I wanna ask you a couple of things, man. There's a few few points I made. Now, this time I had a couple things to say. OK, first of all, hey, what happened last time? What happened last time? Did was that did Facebook censor us and stop us talking? No, no, it's because. I had problems with my telephone. This is the problem. Later I fixed it and everything was OK what was it? Can you explain or is it not? Yeah, yeah, just it's also uncharged or or maybe I use Wi-Fi. I don't remember what was the problem. I was in my house or somewhere else. Yeah, in your house. And it just went. It just stopped. And then and then I called many times it kept saying fail. Fail, fail called yet because it was off my telephone was off. It was uncharged. It was discharged. So that's why I start charging and then call you back. You were busy. Then we said, OK later we gotta do that. It wasn't working. Yeah. OK. So another thing I want to study airport. Remember you said that. What does it mean? You mean I I maybe I meant to know, to know how it works or how does it function in our case in our . I don't remember this this expression. Yeah, I'm going over all the transcripts and I'm finding some funny quotes and things that people said. And one of yours is. Yeah. Why aren't you going to the airport at 4:00 in the morning, where you gonna spend all day and night at the airport instead of just going, you know, the last minute? You're like, I want to studyirport. Anyway, I'm truly you know, I love lot airports. This is the place where all the time I can spend there like a day or two just watching and seeing where people travelling. These people are another kind of people. The people in the street. These are already people with happy faces and you get this energy from them, right? Maybe this helps us to enjoy. Yeah. That's why seasides resorts. It helps us to get this mood from other people. Even if you don't swim, I don't swim a lot in seasides, but I I like to see people enjoying and going, yelling and making some funs, even if they are not my friends. But I want to see it from the side. I love it. What is that? But they get to that in a minute. But first I wanted to tell you. Remember, I made just a couple corrections the last time I said 1,000,000 a year in Times Square. You remember I said one mil, would you? Would you say when they when that happened? The last conversation? I made a mistake, I said Times Square rent is 1,000,000 a month [year] for a building it it was a couple floors. There was a basement and this shop was one million a year. I said it's actually it was one million a month. Well, yeah. And they want to make it 5,000,000 a month, which is why they left, I guess because they they figure somebody like Apple no problem 5 million a month, they can get the building and and make 5,000,000 a month. You see these big companies, you see the globe, the global list thing like they're gonna muscle out anybody smaller and can be able to well, you don't need to be in Times Square though. Right. But there is the imagine how much business though your goes through for them to be able to make millions every month. Yeah, I can imagine. But now the millions are made in virtual life. You know what? Which kind of projects these people are going to to produce that you will sit at home and will be walking anywhere in the street and enjoying seeing people talking to people without being there. Do you know about this project? Yeah, virtual world. I don't know. Maybe it's the beginning. It will be a Joy. Yeah, it's a joke. It's a joke a few times, but we need real thing, man. All this substitute Of course. Of course. Of course. They are OK. There are places where you wouldn't like to go personally, but you would like to go study these shops. You will be going in to the shop and talk to the seller and understand what's happening. Maybe it's not the the best area where you would like to spend your time, but you have to be there because there are certain. And certain things to study. Like airports? Anyway, yeah. OK. So uhm OK look. Wait, So what about Tik T.O.K? It's it's Chinese Communist, man, no! but it's not anymore. It is. It is. Bigger than you to peace. No, no, no, no, no, no. First of all, all the information they're saving to, to, to, to, to make problems for you in the future. They're saving everything they're saving over in China. It's joint. You cannot have a Chinese business without having the Chinese government control half of the business. So anyway, it's not free, man. It's it's not. It's it's OK. Which color form you gonna use for your videos? Probably not. No YouTube. No, no. Tik T.O.K. Which one else? And Amazon is no good 'cause. They closed my friend, you know. No jab for That guy. He's Greek American. He has no jab. He has that website It's quite famous now because it has all the all the proof that covid vaccine, the whole COVID FRAUD and the vaccine and all the fraud about it. And he proved everything. Everybody proved it, but he proved it even better anyway, he had he had faces crimes against Humanity Club and he put the whole list like 1000 people that are guilty of these crimes and as soon as I said something on my one of my posts, I tweeted. I saw something. You know, I see these things and and the UN guy said we are going to fo[rce]. We suggested climate change and the COVID again and all this and I said I I answered the tweet I said if you're going to if you violate the Nuremberg Code and the human rights thing we’re gonna put you on that site right. Yeah. And in three days the site was gone. Finished. So I asked, I asked Paul Adams, you know, the guy, I asked him what happened 'cause, you know, we've been emailing a little bit. Yeah. He said some political or must have should have done. And I explained to him what I did. And he said I thought maybe some UN. I said, and who was hosting it? He said that Amazon Web Services, so we so we know Amazon Web Services is corrupt, they're they're they're controlled by the UN and they can close it down. So, you know, Amazon. Hey, by the way, Amazon doesn't make any money from all these. You know, my neighbors keep buying Amazon. I won't. I will never buy Amazon because I want to support local businesses and not the. COVID. Yeah, I see it. Not the COVID globalist tyrants, right. So if I don't need Amazon unless I need something very badly, maybe. But I never use them. Ever. So. But I'm going to ask you. Yeah, Amazon makes no only money from the AWS, not from. All these transactions, Can you imagine? They don't make any money from all the sales from the. Yeah, the product. How do they exist then? Why do they keep going? AWS Amazon website service like that guy? He was hosted there and he put on his website on there and they took it down. And I was scared. Maybe they'll take mine down, but I'm not. I think I'm OK because all that work he did, I wanted to save that list of people, right. And I I sent it. I sent it to a lot of people now. So it's out there, but anyway. Anyway, so hey, how was your Valentine's Day? OK. We don’t have this day here. It's probably best.. I didn't know about it. That's why I didn't congratulate you, by the way. I my congratulations. So I don't know if it's really a joy to spend, but Armenia has no nothing like that. Yeah, Greece too, I said. I said happy Valentine's to a few people, but if it's a man, it's they say, you know, no, homo or something. You have to say. So you know, no misunderstanding, but anyway. Yeah, I hear it was raining. So I just. I was like, why sweat it, you know? And you didn't do Tinder? online dating, you didn't try that, did you? That's what everybody does in. Yerevan?. No. in Yerevan it’s impossible. Do they have it there. To they have it, I'm not sure. I I'm not sure I I. But you know, as you told that you would prefer real life. Yeah, but me too. I want to see these people, not the photos that are great. Later on. You see? It's. Totally another person another kind of character where the in the photos they are like romantic, very intelligent and then you you see in reality there just. Sure, big problem. Anyway, so the latest about the demoside. They call it demoside now, not not genocide. Demoside 'cause. It's everybody. They're killing a huge number of people, not just specific ethnic cleansing shi*. Yeah. Yeah. So my uncle died. I don't know if I told you, but my uncle died after getting injected a few months later, which. Which uncle? Greece from my mother's from my other mother. Her brother? Yeah. You mean they're boilogical mother? Yeah. Yeah, I met him. I met him a couple times at his son's wedding. And how old was he? I'm not sure, but he's he must be. He must be 70 something right about? Yeah, OK. But but he was in perfect health. No problems and he got the vaccine in there. I mean, the fake vaccine, the M RNA COVID injection. And he died same year, same year and and they blamed it on COVID. This is what they do. They anybody who gets the injection and dies like oh, it's COVID. They never do the autopsy to prove anything. There's no evidence. And we know it's it's not COVID because all the reasons that I told anyway, and another guy many people meant so many that that all those websites full of people, all these victims and casualties and. Even on YouTube, there's this guy camo Dave for example. And he he he just died last month. Right. And so he was he young. 50. So too young to die anyway so he. So I searched his videos. I always find it. I always because I saw him say he goes. “I got I'm double double vaccinated”. So I always find it eventually. I find it you know. And so he he also and you see nobody nobody tells you know. All the people online I saw people talking about it, no one dares say anything 'cause they're scared to lose their ****** YouTube accounts. So there's this censorship anyway. So you know there anyways. So yeah, this is the rule of humanity, you know. And whenever you say absolutely democracy, there is no way to build such a system. Yeah, they always they pretend they are liberal, but in reality they got another gestapo rules. You know, Reiner Fuelmich, the lawyer, he's got his trial going on now it's it's it's a it's a preliminary trial because he couldn't find any. No court, they're all corrupt. Bill Gates and those globalist ********. Sorry I was trying not to swear, but all those top guys, they bought all this, everything all the media 'cause. It's controlled by a few people, you know, all these things, all the top courts. But there must be somewhere anyway. He's he's. He's like he's doing his every Saturday. He's doing the grand jury thing and. But he said, yeah, if they're all corrupt, you can't. You have to go outside the legal system just like they did at Nuremberg. You know, do you believe it will happen? We have to. Well, it's it's happening already in the but we have to see. You will find justifications a lot of justifications, proof evidence, telling that he helped people you make a lot of donations, other things you you, not you, it’s impossible to blame this ugly people. They know how to protect themselves. But the evidence is there. It's already there. So he's just making it formal, I guess, but I wanted to tell you. Hey, that's you changed the carpet and you guys put carpets on the wall. No, it was the same. What is it? It looks like computer in Italy, it's like Italy is Italy, one of the venezia's probably? I thought it was abovian square or Republic square. No, no way. There's too many arches. It's Venezia or something. It's. That's another not a hand end made card. It’s just the cheap machine made it looks nice. That's another guy. The Italian tyrant Draghi [druggie]. He's another guy who should be. Locked up for life for for forcing the Italians. Yeah, it's you see some some countries, some countries are worse than others. Right? You saw Trudeau. Canada, you saw what's going on there, right? TrudMao. Anyway, I wanted to say here how is it in? What happened to you with you said- I'm trying not to shout. You said you can't eat anymore in the big in the cheap but big places do you have to go expensive now? what happened with? Are they forcing the the the ******** China digital? No, no, it's it's it's almost over, you know. And I hope this “omicron” [moronic] gonna be gonna change the world it's gonna make. Much easier things to happen, but probably we don't. We will soon. It will be like any “grippe” or any any flu. But this, this Communist Chinese digital slavery passport thing that's on your phone. You said they were forcing this. Yeah. Sorry. Vaccinated you mean and show it by by your ZIP code, not zip code. Another code. What was the name? That's. Butg are they? Are they forcing this digital telephone slavery on you yet you said yes, right? Not yet. Not here, and I don't think if there are some places where it's gonna work soon it will be just anulated, I'm sure. But you said, because only. OK, you said the big places you couldn't go anymore. 'cause. They forced you. OK, OK. It was. It was told that since 22nd of January [2022] we gonna shut shut all the stores for the people who have no injection, no vaccination, fake vaccination. But it didn't happen. It happened only for the bars and restaurants, but I think now it's not anymore. It doesn't. It's not necessary they don't require, but this you know, you know this is a test. They they want to do it. They're gonna keep trying. They're gonna try climate change as an excuse. They're gonna keep trying. They want to bring the Chinese system here. That's what this is. So, but it won't work because Europeans are not like Chinese. They're not gonna let you know they're here. But it just takes a handful of like, like those WEF criminals. Discipline is very hard to apply to people who already know what freedom is. Its impossible in Europe to use this. I hope so. gestapo systems. People will be on just on purpose. They will destroy this like Soviet Union was destroyed. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Because, yeah. How was Armenia? Where when it was communist. Do you remember? Were you there? Yeah. We were all very capitalistic. This area of Armenia was very. Capitalistic it was not so much communistic as it was told that we should do exactly what they were saying. It's it's a ********. Maybe some Russian cities got 10-20 years, but later on it's we were telling that we are in communistic system, but in reality it was absolutely free. I could listen. I could speak. I could talk. I could make jokes on leaders and maybe in Stallin time. It happened for 20 years because they were telling that security's number one priority. So we have to keep. Speaking only. Correct things. Nothing extra, nothing dangerous. They're never criticizing leaders. So many people were jailed and so many of them were exiled. Anyway after him because it was changing and changing better and better, but was it? Was it difficult? Was it? Did you have no freedom? Was it terrible? Not so much. we had freedom, we had, I could. What's the difference between now and yeah, before I, I don't feel I don't feel personally, I don't because I could be very capitalistic during the communism. But when you're free to, you know, to to talk to women, to all this stuff. Yeah, easily. Especially that time for Soviet Union had this rule that anywhere you want to. Talk to, ladies. Nobody would stop you. No police, no nothing. She would never be able even to claim to any policeman or whatever. They would just if they don't like you, they would just say goodbye and that's it. But not foreigners. I thought foreigners. They restricted you to mix with foreigners, so you don't.. No, foreigners were very happy because all the locals were loving them because to go to foreign countries, it could give them give them a chance to travel the they know somebody from other countries. That's why my chances were. Less than the foreigners, to flirt. OK. I'll just say, hey, is there a lot of ambulances? 23 Is there a lot of ambulances there? I noticed every 10 minutes, there's an ambulance. I think it's from the fake vaccine injury. Before it was very much loud siren as going on in the streets now. No. Zero. Maybe it was forbidden to say. no, no here, here. Now, after after the the MRNA, the fake vaccine. Now so many people are, all I noticed a lot of ambulances. Now much, much, much more all the time I'm videoing them to show. But every 10 minutes sometimes I'm noticing like. OK, I'll tell you why I every time they called, they say we have flu. We have fever. Yeah. Yeah. So they want to make ts a rule to make this siren to probably influence on your opinion to be in fear. But another thing I noticed a lot of people walking, it's like zombie Apocalypse slowly. Slowly. Many people look sick like, and usually they’re wearing a mask, and they've got a walking stick, and they're they're all have this the same posture and gait, and body, they're all like this. And and I don't dare ask them because they, you know, they're they're not well anyway. But I just noticed a huge increase after this fake vaccine thing. But I just wanna say anybody who's vaccinated, I hope you're OK because most people will be OK because Bourla the criminal he adulterated the batch and lot numbers. And he's he's only targeted as a smaller amount of the population to get sick and die, and everyone else will not. Probably not get sick and die, even though they're making this spike protein all the time, which is another thing I wanted to ask you, was they don't know because this is such a big experiment. They don't know if we can catch it from the fake vaccinated. Like they’re saying you can get from the spike protein from body fluids if you have sex with a vaccinated person, you might get. Even. Now they're saying they're getting HIV. Did you see that now? It says, yeah, they're all saying they're getting acquired immunodeficiency syndrome because they're immune system has been destroyed by these vaccines. Which I hope not most people will be OK again. I'm just saying it's it's it's probably a small proportion, but when you're doing it to billions, then it's still gonna be millions that are gonna get hurt. But we gotta be careful. Are you gonna have are you? Would you have sex with a vaccinated person or to get their blood? If you have an accident, then you need blood transfusion. You don't want to have these. You don't wanna have these. It's like proteins in the blood, right? No, I don't know if my life is in danger. I will get it in case to save my life if if I will be dying or getting this and saving my life, what else I could do. But I'm telling you, it looks like Michael Jackson’s thriller video here. They're like euuuugghhh. Even young people? no mostly the older ones, most, mostly the older ones. Is that my friend the vaccine there [champagne[. There is. You wanna talk to me later? How you doing so? shalI show him. I don't wanna show where I live though the street and everything. That's why. 26 “CHAMPAGNE!” How you doing? I'm on the phone. I'm on the phone, man. Champagne for everyone. I’ll get him w/ this one. Is he drunk? No no He’s just a regular. Sorry I'm on the I'm on the phone. Sorry. I'm on the phone. Very nice yea bend over! How you doing? Hey, you OK? I'm on the phone, sorry. [whistle] All Right. Later man sorry, Thamk God the neighbors are cool because, you know, I don't want them to think I'm getting them, but I gotta get the street. I'll put that on the. I'm gonna put that on the Internet right now, but I'll put it on the show maybe later. I can see that he's he's a regular. He's my friend. He's he's one of the regulars in the square. Yeah. But he's got everybody's got some problem, you know? He's like he's he's on medications, but he seems normal. Like, well, almost almost no one what's normal anymore. But he's very nice every time he says he goes. He’s a Moroccan, English, African, half African and and he's he's gay, so he doesn't like to, be careful. Yeah, so so. But but he's always like champagne for everyone. Champagne. But that's his. Who's gonna pay? But I'm sure not him. That's how. That's how he, you know, interacts with people. He just says champagne. Now everybody knows him, everyone. Yeah. And he always. He always gives compliments to people. That is a lovely jacket, sweetheart. Yeah. That’s so nice. So. I started doing it too. As a joke. Did you did you video him all the time? Yeah, all the time. Hello. Cool. Yeah, I might bring him up here and we'll do an interview. Might have some champagne, but anyway, that’s another thing, I would video him while he's independent. His actions. Maybe he will do some wild things later. It will be a documentary about this guy. Yea he seems all right. Yeah. Hey, another question, another question ready? is is, is a powerful magnet bad for your heart? Because I need to wear this magnet for my camera and no no no, but it's not, it's not a normal magnet, it's it's, I don't wanna say give too much away but it's very powerful. Is it bad? They said it's bad for pacemakers. It is bad. Maybe. Maybe it's bad for.. How do you say systems electronic systems? It will be a little bad, some of them will will be damaged.. but, the heart is electronic, the heart is electronic, man. No, no, no, no. It's got elektron's. Yeah, but it doesn't. It could make make sense if you would say that our body has Iron. How do you say Iron? How how did iron material in our body? There is a zero, 1% or whatever. We have iron ourselves, OK, it might be even something dangerous but but I'm sure if that could happen like that, everybody would talk about this. But but I looked on the Internet, there's nothing about. Magnets and heart. Nothing. Not even what? Don't worry about it. Yeah, of course. I notice like when I wear it. OK, look, look, the magnet is like this, right? So it's very strong here, right? But yeah, but behind it's not strong. It's not pushing. You know how how course you know how usually the back of a magnet has very powerful push. Yes. Pull, push. Right. This I know. Of course. This one only has pull, one side. Yeah, it doesn't have push from the back. Yeah, so that's that's good, right? At least I'm not getting the back one. But I'm just thinking, I'm just thinking now with 5G, with 5G, maybe it's attracting some ****. No, no, no. Which is another difficult. There are a lot of people living next to these stations this that are emitting these waves and they would not live long. It would be, it could be a discussion discussion topic, but nobody is talking. It means it has nothing to do with. The security of our health. That's the next thing I was gonna ask you. There's this guy on internet I can't believe. You know, you Lube allows him because he he's saying microwave radiation. Yeah, OK. Wireless. So we got, we got 5G. Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, all three, he said. And and and there, you know, 5G is connected to to 100,000 satellites soon to be half a million. They said Bill Gates is gonna put another couple 100,000. It's gonna be 500,000 satellites in a few years, and they're all beaming 5G to every. Spot on earth, right? So he says. This is microwave radiation. Even though Wikipedia shows that it's non ionizing, it's close to radio. He says. OK, listen, listen, radio does not go through buildings. You need an antenna. That's what he said. Yes, but microwave this one. It's higher than radio. It goes through the building and through you. It's going through us, yes. But if it's going through us, it doesn't cause us any problems, he said. It's they proved that it causes many problems and and because it's again, just like the the fake vaccine, because there's so many billions of dollars, trillions, even that nobody is telling you and and he's trying to prove it and to warn everybody to. To turn off your phone and not only use it in, you know, very little bit and even Wi-Fi stay away from the Wi-Fi routers and even Bluetooth. I'm gonna stop this. I'm gonna put my wired mouse back. I'm gonna turn off eventually when I find it. All these things he said are risky. And you, you can get cancer. And in the future, because of this. And they proved it. There's some evidence already. No, David did their assigned. He's that they could just find out easily. And they would just for forbid, forbid this kind of thing. So if it doesn't happen. So I'm sure it's it doesn't cause any problems this, this, this. Microwaves. They are so tiny that they go through anything. I hope so and radio radio waves are very big. That's why they can't go through the through the walls through us. And actually some of them they go, you know. Radio of them they go. Yeah. Radio waves, some microwaves. All I know is I don't consent to the experiment. Just like I didn't consent to the other experiment. I'm not gonna. I'm gonna start being more careful. And I wanna research this. We gotta watch. You know what I'm gonna do? I'm going to watch the live streamers. There's a bunch of them they're doing all day and night. They have this one guy. He has a camera on his chest, the telephone on his chest every day. For two years now, I wanna see if he's still alive. If he dies, if he, if he disappears, we know something happened and maybe it's not safe. 'cause it's even. It's gonna be difficult to know if he died from the phone or not, or if he got hurt. But there's a bunch of live streamers. They've 10 hours. They're live streaming and. Those and and. They should test it on like you know, they don't want to test it because, uh, if they're scared that the results will show that it's harmful, so they should test it on the birds, put it near the pigeons and see if the pigeons die. Not on the people. OK, listen, if you have some doubts about anything, just browse it, put there the type, any title like let's say. fatality from microwaves, fatality from death. It's from radio waves. Any waves? Which kind of effect do they leave with our health? Or which kind of fatalities, which kind of effects? I saw some evidence even on the Bluetooth Wikipedia. If you go down, it says the World Health Organization, you know, the criminals that did all this that are being sued now, but even they. They have a subdivision and it says I forgot the name, but I.C. something, blah blah blah. They said they proved that. Yeah. Possible carcinogen possible. Carcinogen wireless wireless is possible carcinogen so. You still don't know, right. Anyway, the guy the guy, I'm sure. I'm sure it's not dangerous. How do you know? How do you know? I will tell you how. First of all, if something happens with this kind of. Machines so people understand even if they are not doctor. Let's say somebody has a brother, mother, whatever they need next to to these buildings that has this kind of emination or how do you call this hese waves? Emissions.. So they if they die they start thinking about it. They start protesting. Everybody would know about it, people said. Most of the people are smart. It will go like, even if they're not gonna talk to you on TV. You talk go just one to another. It will be make a panic on people. I hope So. This is one proof another proof can be easily found. Some people lived all their life next this buildings I mean places where they have this shit. So they are sure it doesn't happen because they had grandmothers, grandfathers living so long. Years and nothing happened with them, so it's a proof that it it's not so dangerous. Yeah, I hope so. 'cause this guy, his name is Barrie Trower. He's English and he's he's spending his whole life warning people. And he's on on youlube. But there's some videos 3 hours he's talking, and he has this problem with his throat he keeps. He's he's he's like a throat clearing champion. Every sentence he has to go aghem ahem ahem Can you give him some informational food for him to complain? Let's let's create something. You'll see tomorrow is gonna just yell. You know, this is scientifically proved that this gonna happen to all the humanity forever. This is for fun. What do you mean? Just give him a reason. Let's say if we say. Now there is a comet flying near our planet, and it’'s gonna cost such a problem to all our health. That will leave another three years. He's gonna talk about that old all the week. There's some people they like complaining complaining. This is his style, maybe even he he doesn't believe that this is the style to make audience. be interested. it attracts there are styles. You know, some people like joking all day long. Some people do this just to have audience. By the way, what's happening with Oh, you mean what? The website, the website or the yeah, yeah. Website. What's the deal? What are the views? It's, uh, it shoots up sometimes. I don't I I don't know who to trust. Goggle anal Google Analytics or hype stat? I don't know who to trust, but like I told you, it's always roughly the same, which I find very very suspicious, right? How can something be constantly the almost the same number all the time for for ten years? That's why I stopped 'cause. You know how I said I don't wanna be here 10 years from now. It's already 10 years have gone by and I don't like this position I'm in. So. But but it said, you know, hypestat says 15,000 a month. Which I don't see. I don't see that on my on my video view counts. I don't see it on my social media thing I don't see and. And are you refreshing stuff there? Do you put something there all the time and Google Analytics? Goggle anal says 3000 of like 100 a day, sometimes 200 sometimes. But I don't know. I can't trust they’re criminal man. I can't trust criminals. How do we know if they lied about everything else anyway? So all I know is it's the numbers are small, right? So that's why I'm. I'll still do this. I'll put this as an update. Just to keep it a little bit active. But right now with the. You know, with the situation it it's more important that that was more pressing. But anyway, yeah, I wanted to ask you, 39:50 do you know the Bolsheviks? Of course. I’m very good in history. You know you ask me anything about other countries too not only Soviet Union and the guy Max Igan from the crowhouse, he's one of the people that I watch. Yeah, I don't wanna say follow. But he said the Bolsheviks killed 65 million people and they're still in charge today. That's the same people now that are. Killing now with this fake vaccine, it's the same right? Is it? Or maybe we're not allowed to say, you know, Rothschild, I I don't know enough about it because even someone in my family, my some, some family friend where my godfather was. Married to Rothschild. One of the rotchilds? Because there are many. So. So I'm. I'm but I got nothing to do with it. As a matter, I never see them. But. But I knew that that name. I I don't wanna put that name down. 'cause they could kill you. Right? They have enough. Aree you in contact with them. Not anymore. But I know how to get in touch. I think if they're still.. do it get in Touch. Make your life interesting. man. Don't be very much closed in one space. Just be with everybody. Talk and. This is the life.. I have to clean up my website a bit though I have to. I have to go neutral. I I mean I have to put other people let the other people argue. I don't wanna get involved in the argument so much like I did last time, you know. Yeah. But anyway, what? What? What was it last time arguing with who? You know, when I when I quoted. India saying Bill Gates is wanted for for I did you know about it? Last conversation? Didn't I say Bill Gates is wanted? And you said OK, yeah. You said yeah, I shouldn't stay out of it. Let there's enough people. Involved II I don't need to get like you told me once. Why do you wanna get involved? Right. It's best not to get involved in all these things. Yeah, but that that's why it was good to be invilved in interesting topics, not like just criticising, complaining, protecting, being here. Being panical situations where, just enjoy, you know you have these possibilities you are you are. You have relatives, you have some connections. Why don't you use it? OK and because Bill Gates, I just wanna say I don't know anything. I was just quoting. But yeah, if. 450,000 Indian children got paralyzed from one of his vaccines, or many, many vaccines, maybe that that's the problem. So some died, but most of them like 450,000, got paralyzed. That's why they're so angry. Who knows about it? Who is sure for that. Principia Scientific. That's a website with they always have evidence. I put the I put the link under the video last time. OK, but besides that, are there any other channels telling about that? if not it’s a little bit doubtable, you know? there's 10 or 20 websites that are reliable and they always. Use evidence and so they're the ones to to watch but anyway, you know to confirm. Because being this way? Just being always in problems trying to solve trying to protest. It's too much. Yeah. I don't know. Maybe you are enjoying your life the other hours only. Just while you are talking to some friends. You are talking about this problem, but in reality you have to enjoy your life too. What about traveling? Not that's not soon. Now you are not traveling. Just a minute. I found this 43 40 song. You gotta enjoy your life. Put it there anyway. Yeah, travel Not until they stop the. You know that that you know that PCR test. Yeah, and all these nasal swabs. And and I, I've, I know this guy. He he refused and he just put it in his mouth. There's some places you can go. You can control the situation and say no. You can only put it on my *** in India they're doing in China. They're doing it up peoples ***** at the airport. So nobody wants to go to China anymore. 'cause at the airport, they're gonna bend you over the luggage rack. Imagine the person who's gonna put it through your ass will be gay & says how do you enjoy. What are you doing later? Haha! Yeah. So, so, yeah, when they stop that, then I'll travel not before because you know what they did? They admitted it. Now I saw it on the Principia. Scientific. It's always evidence, no opinions, only evidence. They have the evidence there. Right, CDC admitted. And it's usually the same criminals admitting it the same government. So CDC admitted we used that those anal swabs or the nose swabs and all this to get your DNA so we can harvest your DNA and we can. Play with your DNA and they want to see if this DNA they can with nanotechnology. They can control your body with the the 5G thing. I thought it was ******** like last year. Two years ago I thought David. Icke I said yeah, because on the radio, on the radio, you know, they're all dismissing it. I thought it's all ******** but it's true. It's true, man. They prove that the the governments they are using, they're doing experiments with with all this stuff. They are. They are, They proved it, man. They proved it. You know, you ask the topic that is always interesting for me. Like, let's imagine this way. Like. Now they they are able to create people out of just how to say in tubes right in your bottles. Yeah, imagine if somebody took all your genes and and created like thousands of your type. And then the children will be slaves for some people. Yeah, that that's what my friend did, you know, my other friend was saying my other travel friend, he was. He was saying, yeah, they can 46 clone you and then abuse you. Imagine if you want to revenge somebody you take his genes You create this person yea the YouTube CEO, Susan Wojcicki. You get her DNA her hair, you clone her and then you **** you. You stole 13,000 of my videos Bitch! It's the clone. It's not the real person. I'm just kidding. That's gonna be a revenge, big revenge. Last time I said she was she killed children with that vaccine promotion and ****. I'm just, I'm just quoting. I'm just saying what everyone else is saying. She's she's wanted all these. Did you say killing or you said kidding? Kidding. All these people that promoted this injection, it killed a lot of children that did hurt. Injured and killed a lot of children, so they are responsible for the injuries and deaths of Maddie de garay. For example, even if it's one in 1000 or deaths and one in 100 injuries, it's still millions of people and kids and it's white. Why would they push the most the deadliest injection in history, why would they push that if they Didn't want to kill people since they know if there's gonna be a proportion of people injured and killed from this thing, and it's the deadliest one in 30 years. So people think it's on purpose. They knew it was gonna happen. They wanted to get rid of a whole bunch of people they wanted to kill people. There's no other explanation when you know it's gonna kill people and you push it and you censor any warnings, you're responsible. Yeah, but you you need to prove it. They will they are he is, Reiner Fuellmich, That's why he's doing this lawsuit. He's doing this court trial outside the system and all the public opinion that we're gonna see, he’s already proven it anyway but it's just more formal now. So.. Geo, when did you start videoing your full HD footages which year full hd category. With the camcorder, there's two things, right? There's camcorder, and then there's the. Then there's the digital thing, digital. Yeah, I know on the chest. So I with the camcorders I started in. So DV you know the cassettes digital video, I have to check, I can check exactly, but they they equal with full HD or they are much lower, much lower but they look. So I think they look very good anyway. But but back then 20 years ago, so anyway, DV stopped around 2004, I think around there, yeah, 2005. So so since since that time you have actually good footage, even even before that, it's still you. You said you don't like the Sochi quality book that I made, but I think it is still looks pretty good if the print is on the screen, OK, it's it's it's grainier. But I think it looks beautiful anyway. Sorry, but they are videos, right? They're not photography. I mean, they're not pictured jpegs. You know they're low res, but they still look beautiful because Sony. I got lucky. I picked Sony because they do the best picture, right. Picture quality Sony and Canon, but Canon is the professional, not the. Semi pro but I want to ask you about the 50 time lapse thing. Yeah, I've been. I've been trying to put all the cameras together and make the time lapse right with the photos so you can see everything really fast. Yes. Yes. And it's impossible because they're even though they're on the same clock the same time. If you take, if you take pictures, you know photos from video. It puts today's date and not the original date. Unless I don't understand which date today is today's date or which date do you want. I want to do timelapse I I have I have You know, hundred thousands of photos, right? Probably mil.. OK. OK. So I wanna put them all in the time lapse so you can see everything really quick. Right. Oh its not called Timelapse. You want to um, not video. Not take a picture but put in the video right montage like that guy. You know, montage, montage French words. All your pictures to go one by one. They really fast right. Yeah, I did it many times. But now because I have so many cameras and because if you take a photo from the video, it puts today's date and not the date of the video. They're gonna. Are you sure? Are you sure? I've tried it yea. Always. And and here because I have professional photos on these cameras now, I can't make. Yeah, I can't mix them with the camcorder cameras 'cause. That's gonna have today's date if I do it now, it'll put today's date. And this will have last month’s date because you said. I mean, last year's date. It's I can't make. Why? Why? Because the photos have. Have the original date on them, but not the vidcaps video capture photos. So I found a way to do it in camera. Yea.. if you do it with Sony, um, if you do it on the card. In camera it'll do it for you because it's formatted, it'll put it in the right place. And then yeah, I don't wanna give all my secrets away. I'm on my trade secrets, 'cause. Then other people will do it better. So 'cause it took me. You know, I don't wanna give everything away for nothing so. But but you, Geo everybody knows all the tricks now. It's impossible to create something that nobody knows. [not true, even the camera shop guys don’t know] Yeah, but nobody is doing it. So I wanna hurry up and do it before other people do. But my point is, I 62 can't mix all the cameras together. But I can. I can mix. This one by itself, I can't mix it with the camcorder. Ok you touched the one topic that I would like to tell you as you should know about it. You know that any photos, you have pictures. Yeah. You can make them look video graphical and they will move little bit. You know that. Yeah, but I don't want that. I don't want that, man. Yeah, but imagine you have thousands of photos that you would like a little bit just a little bit like one second movement and the next photo and the next photo when the photo is just fixed. It's one thing. It's not so attractive when you want to watch a video. But when this photo is little bit moving. Little bit just look at my face, it will look like this look. Yeah, I don't like that man. This waste of time. That's nothing. What is this? But at least it will be not 24 photos in one second, but at least will be like in one second three photos, but at the time[lapse] in the montage it does it anyway. I don't need this thing. I'm doing montage only. I yeah, I saw you doing it. Yeah, it's it's not. What? What is this? No, I didn't do. I didn't do that. A couple of months ago, remember, you were playing with it and it just shows it just, it just goes. No, man, not not about. It's about real real pictures. Real like photos. Yeah, but I'm talking about photos, not like animation. Anyway, my question is it takes too long and there's there's, you know, there's there's too many. There's too much stuff, right? Yeah. But you have to start one day and in the process you will find the style, your style. Your approach. You'll start enjoying it making new creation. This, this, this is what happens with me when I'm making animation all the time. I create something now in Photoshop. I make successes, you know, some professionals are surprised. How come I I can find some very unexpected solutions. Solving some not usual problems in Photoshop. Sorry, I'm just. I'm just being a little funny. I'm just trying to entertain the. Man, yes, but my question to you is, are these montages they take forever, right? So. And I'm.. not forever. If you go out course keep like thinking which second I have to cut which second I have to sleep now because window, how it will take long but they make it faster, faster. Sometimes one editor gives us very good advice, he said. There is a style of editing which is sometimes great when you do just fast, fast, fast, cutting anywhere in the video, just putting unexpected, unexpected. Sometimes it's so great, just try this style because you have no choice now. You cannot afford hiring thousands of editors, looking over all your footage is thinking how to put together. Do it later. You'll find that this part is not interesting. Then you will remake. This part. But believe me, you'll find unexpected. Nice. Nice. Bits nice and parts nice episodes. Just put one after the other and some in the middle. You can cut put something make solid?. I know that's not the problem. The problem now is, for example, 56 our episode in Greece, for example. OK yes, I need a premise. Again, I don't wanna give too much away to all the aholes out there who don't wanna help me. I don't wanna.. Everybody knows, everybody knows about that. You tube has so many lessons of cinematography about. Any kind of mis en scene any kind of blocking?. So many lessons. Men. But you need to have time to watch. I don't wanna dig my own grave when everyone else is trying to dig it already so. My point is, if you can tell me, think about it right. But I just need a. Story is there a story in in that summer that you came over in Greece? You see what I mean? Geo, I will tell you traditionally story is one thing. Traditional story. Old fashion like in 1950s. Like Titanic or Gone by wind or classic. Another sh!t. It's one thing another is contemporary, contemporary storytelling is totally different. Breaking rules, blade breaking, everything. Just to keep you have all your all your task is list to keep people enjoying their time. One and half hour while watching your film. And if you are very genius, you can make them think about your film after your film and talking to people. It's another you have to be very genius to make people. And there are very few films, by the way, very few films that can keep you thinking about that film. I counted. I have about 20 films, but I watched. Thousands and thousands. I keep watching every day 3 films, by the way, very good films and classical and new fashion and different. I have this possibility for free to watch films and I know what is it. I know I discuss about that. I I look at the interviews of directors as the critics. Now I know what films has to be whenever you say? Well, film has to have story. No, not only story. It has to have 1000 now thousand things in one film. You can just put their mood. You can put their dialogues, you can put their just looking around the guy who's walking. All this makes people be fixed in that fiilm. I I saw a film where there is no dialogue, just the boy and the girl looking at each other without knowing them. It's about 20 minutes episode. I'm Anotoni’s film. If you know Michelangelo Antonioni. This episode is my favorite. I would watch it like 5000 times. What's the name? John Malcovich. John Malcovich is playing in that episode. I saw him once here in covent garden. I saw him once. I should have videoed it. I should have videoed it huh. This film Is great. Only 5 minutes. He placed in one episode. With the girl, French, French actress Marceau Sophie. what was her last name, Fifi, so Sofie Marceau [saucy]. and John Malkovich just go browse it, you will find this episode. It's such a great on the seaside there alone with little windy time. Nobody is there and they're walking, looking at each other. It's not talking to each other. This is great, you understand? Everything is that, I mean, is that a film? Look, is that a film? Yes. It’s a feature film, over the cloud, I think. OK. Yeah. I think I saw a little bit, but it did you like? I just remember him going my head. In which film? in that one being John Malkevich. It's in my head! I didn't like that film. I don't know. Why? Because it's too much artificial. My head, ma hayad, ma heyad. So enough about me. What about you? What are you doing? Watching film, studying something, learning some German, learning some guitar, trying to make soundtracks for different purposes. Just aniumation, lot of animation and Photoshop. What's your career goal? What's your career goal? Do you have any? My career goal to be in a studios where they are creating some very unusual films. Groundbreaking films, discuss with people or to be a critical in cinematography. I've so much. How do you say so much knowledge is about that. Why not? Why not? What's what's my problem am i not smart? Am I not so much stupid? Don't say yes. Don't say I am. You are. No. Hey, how's Arthur? Is he is he? Don't wanna say. How is Artur? Selling his stuff in. I see him once the week or not every week, but once a month in vernisage, what about asatur? Who was that guy, by the way? I remember you were talking about him. I'm joking because we met him like long time ago, twenty years ago. And we he disappeared. So I'm just joking. But what's he, a young guy or an old man? Who was he? Yeah, he was. He was young like us. I'll show you. I'll show you the video sometime. I'm gonna put you. Remember I kept criticizing that Caro. Caro. With his Lada. Yeah, but there's two now, right? No, no, no, the other one. Probably. I am wrong. Because if you are sure you took only Caro's car, I remembered that. Yeah. Yeah, the other one. I'm not sure. I think once he took us from one place to another, this guy I think although he doesn't remember. He said no, I didn't. No, no, no. There's another Caro. I have pictures. I I can show you, but yeah, I know, I know. He remembers you too. He's skinny. He's he's thin. No, now he's not thin anymore. OK, Arthur is not thin anymore. He's like, OK, but. But but the other, the other Caro that you said has heart problems in the hospital. He. Yeah. This is what I'm going to tell you. So he he started calling me long ago. You kept calling. I was refusing because he was not. Type of person I would like to deal with associate with so he was always like 1h03 behaving like a pimp. His way of life was pimpy. He was getting I don’t know from where some money making restaurant life and going like yea man haha hoo hoo. This type of person, he became. i didn't like this altitude. His attitude to me. He didn't respect me any longer because he got some money and whatever I said. OK. Goodbye. Goodbye. It was always kidding. joking from car. Hey, man, how are you? Bro? I was ignoring him, So he was. He kept, like, calling me all the time. All these last five years I just ignored. But once I said, oh, Oh no one year he didn't do anything I said. Maybe he died, man. I have to check it. I I start like sending him some some messages on Facebook and he answered that he has problem in a hospital. At the beginning, I didn't believe, but then I found out that it's a reality. So he changed his attitude to to the light. He became very much. How do you say humble? Hey I'm ask him if he got worse, If he got worse after the fake vaccine because many people got worse after the after the injection, it got worse. No, he he has this problem. Genetically he has this since 15 years ago. But ask him if it got worse because of the injection because many people got worse. OK. OK, I'm gonna ask you and write it to you as a message, by the way. Geo. Why do we send messages when we can just make voice messages? Do you know Facebook has a microphone which means you are just clicking and it gives you a play stuff under your Facebook. If you can just record and send it to me, I'll try it. I didn't try. I haven't seen it before. But why are you wearing earphones now? Excuse you. Headphones. Where you where? Where are you wearing headphones? Otherwise is the charge disappears fast. Yeah, I mean, I will waste my charge. Like last time. It will happen. 1h05 The same thing like last time. That's why. Otherwise it's more comfortable without headphones. hey, the speaker doesn't bother you 'cause. I put you on loud on the speaker right now, it doesn't bother you huh? No, it doesn't feedback. How do you say feedback? Or reverse? Because my great friend, you know the lady in Greece every time I do this, she's like, oh, turn off that sh!. Freaking speaker. So just a little bit echoing. OK. The reason it sometimes echoes very much. I don't hear my voice, by the way. This is the great probably you put it in such a way, the speaker that it doesn't go and reflect back, it's underneath, it's under the computer and it's pointing away. Maybe This is why it's much better. It's pointing away by the way. Are you making some musics? Are you playing with keyboards and? I can't get to the piano 'cause. There's too many suitcases. Look. Aw man you complain All the time. So put them somewhere else. Enjoy your life, make some recordings later on. You're gonna use your filmls like the soundtrack, man. Yeah. See, it's over here. I'm just showing one minute. Yeah, it's over here. And these damn suitcases. I don't know where to put the, you know what happened. 1h07m15 Your bathroom problem is over. They did a shower, but you know, so, so all these suitcases were in the second bathroom, you know, that's why they're all here now. 'cause, I I use the second bathroom for bathtub and whatever. So now I have to get rid of these. I bought more because I didn't when I had the mouse problem, I panicked and I bought all these suitcases to to close everything to clean everything and put it inside when I should have just gotten the cupboards. but but you were saying about the bath What? The shower? You remember last time there was a guy who tried to fix the floor. Yeah. So they fixed the shower. But you know what they did? Man anyway I have to try the shower. I'm I'm still. I'm gonna get a new shower curtain because this one is a little, too old. And Selfridges didn't have any shower curtains yesterday so I just got food and whatever and but. But I have to get. I might order from argos or something. Shower curtain. But yeah, I just want to tell you, are you know, what happened with the shower. So the the tiles were. Were sinking. Yeah, the tiles were caving in a bit so um. They took out the tiles and then there's a big cement thing. so instead of the redoing tiles they brought a tray. Yeah, which is, it's like a, I don't know. So. And you know what he did? The Carpenter put wood around the corners of the shower to put the tray on. To stand on that? you should stand on that? Can you imagine if I go if I. Yeah. Yeah. 'cause, it's it's this high up off the floor now because they wanted to put the pipe underneath instead of. So they they did these strange things. And now it's it's hollow when you step on it you can hear it boom. You know 'cause it's hollow. And now I'm thinking if I'm ever in there with a fat. Girl. Or if I'm fat too, because I'm overweight. Can you imagine if we go like this? You can break, break your legs and I don't know, man, he said. It's man, it's not good. It's not good solution. Is it the problem of the owner? He has he to fix this. This is him to fix this problem or you have to find the person to solve this problem. Anyway, it's finished. I just hope it's OK because even even the wood he told me. I said you're putting wood underneath the shower and he goes, he goes, it's treated wood. And then I said. I said, I said with the formaldehyde and chemicals, and I'm gonna get.. he said I don't know. 1h09m50 One more thing, I was going to tell you, right, the electricity company, they're trying to force everybody to do a smart meter now. It's wifi align so they so they can control your electricity and charge you more when you use it more and they they can, they're gonna rip you off. Everybody said it. All these guys I'm following and you know all the alternative media, they all agree it's a ripoff. It's to control you, to make more money off of you and to put Wi-Fi. They can spy on. They can listen to everything. It's on the grid and there'll be Wi-Fi nonstop again, the microwave. But you think it's safe? It's an experiment, of course. [I DO NOT CONSENT TO EXPERIMENT] Of course. You think it's safe? Just want people not cheat them. This is the problem. So lot of people use the old system just to stop the the. Cut. Cut counters. Yeah. The kind of, yeah. The. Yeah, the counters. Because with Magnets they can stop it, you know, with what magnet. No, no, the meters. But but you know, now they're threatening me. It started the few months ago. They said we have to put a smart meter because da, da, da and I found out my my housekeeper said no you don't have to now now. They're like, if you don't put a smart meter, your electricity will be cut off and you will have no heating and. But but but but again, again they don't say for sure. They're like possibly depending on your. How often do they check it? They don't. I I give them a Meter reading and so they used to come here once a year and check it. But now I just I I send them a photo of it. Oh yeah. This is why This is why they want this to be other like electronic for them not to come to check it from somewhere else. OK. But you you think Wi-Fi is safe and Barrie Trower thinks it's not safe. And and The W.H.O were proves that they said it's carcinogenic. So we have to wait 10- 20 years and see what will happen to us. See if we get cancer from this Wi-Fi sh!t. Right, 5G. I will tell you how it happened science scientists. This wifi system was used somewhere else for many, many, many years. Things may be 100 years ago, so that's why people living next to those systems that are using the same. Range of waves already they are sure it doesn't happen. They make experiments. Believe me. That's why they're just. It's fine, it's fine. It's not so dangerous. It's not the dangerous absolute. Yeah, it is fine. It's just it's not so dangerous. [falls down] And it's not. Did you see that? You see that many people are are dropping are fainting and ship from the vaccine, and they're like talking about it like the comedian. This is comedian and she's like, I'm double jabbed. I'm triple boost. I still get my period what!. And right after, right after she's like ah ah. [collapses blacks out/ passes out] And everyone laughed. There's this one guy in the audience he's like HAHAHAH cause. He thought she was joking. He thought she was joking, but it was real. It was real?. So it's not funny. It's not funny if it's real, but you know, you know, these shows that shows man, you know, deadliest injection in history. Not to do this today. I don't wanna be your swearing & obscene gestures and sh. make up some joke shows live show. Maybe you will get some audience. Yeah, but you know what? I got it. Just making now. Just say negative things like. Fine. Could you tell me, could you tell me about that? Could you tell by me that I have problems and make some crazy things all the time? So unusual. Different things. It will be a serial. So people watch it. That that's gonna be something. 1h14m45 When when's the golden apricot? When is it close? The last one? I don't know when it happened, it was virtually the last one. Yea Cannes Con think about Cannes. You have so much footages to combine and show in Cannes, I'm sure. Maybe I should just do a trailer in one episode and see and then just try that, because no point doing 100 episodes, it's not gonna go anywhere. Yeah make an episode put in a hard drives so I will get it here and edit my way. So you will choose which one do you like? I will give. Ask my friends to help to edit some of your episodes. Think about the that you will save a lot of the
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