Best Budget PROFESSIONAL Camcorder under $1300

3 years ago

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Are you starting a new videography business and aren't sure where to begin? Professional cameras and camcorders can be very steep in price, and might have you thinking that it's just to expensive to get started. Well I'm here today to tell you that there is a professional camcorder on the market just under $1300 that is more than capable of shooting your next wedding or corporate event!

Introducing the Sony HXR-MC88 professional camcorder! This camcorder is one heck of a steal at just under $1300. It's a full HD camcorder with 1 inch sensor and a 12x optical zoom. It enables you to shoot full manual control but also has an amazing auto mode with Sony's Fast Hybrid Autofocus system!

The sample footage in this video was taken from two YouTubers which I will credit below:
Sample Footage 1: Riza Vahlevi
Sample Footage 2: Peter J

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