Matthew 25:1:13 | MARATNATHA 2 : BE READY | 02/20/22

3 years ago

Lesson begins around 25:00.

These are scary times to the non-Christian. But the Christian will find these times exciting. God calls us to trust in Him. He gives us prophesy to recognize the signs of the times. A godly man will recognize the signs of the times. An ungodly man will see what's happening and become fearful. But many congregations have become decadent in these last days, falling away from the truth of the Gospel.

Today information is surfacing how the Federal Government used Evangelical churches to spread COVID propaganda as reported by the Daily Wire. Churches today are subscribing to Marxist ideologies and indoctrinating their congregates. Christianity Today, the Gospel Coalition, the Southern Baptist Association and so many other staples of Evangelism have been corrupted, departing from the truth of the Gospel.

Wearing a mask and taking a "vaccination" is required in order to retain "membership" in many congregations. Congregations that have held fast to the truth of the Gospel have grown during these lockdowns despite persecution from state, local and federal governments. There is a hunger for the truth today. It is the true Church's responsibility to stand for the truth of the Gospel. The Church is not a building, it's the people.

Brothers and sister in Christ, it is our responsibility to bring the truth of the Gospel. We are the Chruch. Will you, Christian, hold fast to the faith during these last days?

#Jesus #Christ #prophesy #Maranatha #endtimes #covid #vaccinations #inflation #Trump #greatreset #worldeconomicforum #crypto #Jehu

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