The Voices Schizophrenics Hear ARE NOT Hallucinations

3 years ago

Psychiatry's proclamation that schizophrenia is a life sentence and that the voices schizophrenics hear are merely hallucinations simply is not true. Nor is it true that schizophrenics have a broken brain, chemical imbalance or a genetic abnormality although these beliefs helps big pharma make a lot of money on drugs that cure nothing. The voices schizophrenics hear run fixed repeatable patterns which flies in the face of psychiatry's unfounded claim that they are hallucinations. Schizophrenics who realize their malady is a spiritual battle and do everything possible to distance themselves from their voices have the best chance of a full recovery as our Anon guest reveals after a four week psychiatric hospitalization. There is a cure for paranoid schizophrenia and the key to that cure lies in the revelation of the truth that schizophrenia is driven by the voices and if they can be gotten rid of by any means all symptoms of this dread disorder vanish with them.

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