Transformed to Call Evil, Evil 1 - Be Transformed Part 8

3 years ago

Everything we have looked at in the past 7 episodes of our series, Be Transformed, are connected. In this episode, our transformation takes a slightly different turn, but it's no less connected. In this episode, we look at being transformed to call out evil as evil. The world is changing rapidly. So many things that are evil are being touted as good, while true good is being denounced as evil. And this is true even in some of our churches! Christians need to have the courage and wisdom to call evil out, stand firm in Biblical Truth, while continuing to glorify God. It seems an impossible task, but Jesus tells us it is possible, but we need to be prepared. Join us for this episode and the next episode as we look at how we prepare ourselves to stand firm against evil and shine the light of the Gospel into an ever darkening world.

Memory Verse - Isaiah 5:20 - “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who call dark light and light dark, who call bitter sweet and sweet bitter.”

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