Brussels in all its splendor in 1908 in color! [AI enhanced & colorized]

2 years ago

This film shows the Belgian capital Brussels in color as it was more than a century ago in 1908. At the time Leopold II was still King of Belgium. He died one year later on 17 December 1909. Many well-known parts of Brussels pass by the camera man's lens like the famous Stock exchange, The Jubelpark, the town hall on the Grote Markt, the cathedral, the Kings Palace, the huge building of the Palace of Justice, the woods surrounding Brussels and much more. The film ends with a tram ride into the woods to the Musée Colonial de Tervueren, i.e. The Royal Museum for Central Africa at Tervueren. It was built to showcase King Leopold II's Congo Free State in the International Exposition of 1897 [Wikipedia]. This tram line still exists: Tram 44.

It was a time when no cars were yet on the streets, only horse and carriages and early electric trams. Today Brussels is the residence of the European Parliament that forms the centre of the cooperation of the countries of the European Union.

This film has been motion-stabilized, speed corrected, enhanced and colorized by means of Artificial Intelligence software.

Source is Prelinger Archive.
The music is by Hampus Naeselius.
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Time line:
00:00 Gare du Nord, Place Rogier
00:23 Boulevard Anspach
00:51 La Bourse
01:08 Rue de la Loi/Rond-point Schuman/Les arcades du Cinquantenaire
01:34 Les arcades et le Palais du Cinquantenaire vue du parc, Jubel Park
02:00 Place de Brouckère
02:14 Parc Royal / Le Parlement fédéral" (Le Sénat et la Chambre)
02:33 Bouvelard Anspach / la Bourse
02:48 Cathédrale Saint-Michel et Gudule
03:01 Hotel de ville, Grand-Place (Grote Markt)
03:16 Boulevard Anspach / Place de Brouckère
03:46 Anspach monument (moved in 1973 because of the Metro)
03:56 Palais de Justice
04:25 Palais de Justice / Place Poelart
04:35 Bouvelard Anspach
05:14 Place Sainte-Catherine
05:34 Bois de Tervueren, Tram ligne 44
06:06 Musée Royal d'Afrique Centrale
07:13 Prise de vue près de l'arrêt Albert/ Avenue Besme

Original video:

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