Glitch Angel - DIFFICULT (13) - AA#485 (Good Full Combo) on Dance Dance Revolution A20 PLUS (AC, US)

3 years ago


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Dance Dance Revolution A20 PLUS (Arcade)

Round 1/Spo-Cha Cumberland Mall
2860 Cumberland Mall (Suite 1500)
Cumberland, GA, 30339

My Social Links!

After Several Months of Waiting, I FINALLY Got the Chance to play at Round 1/Spo-Cha Cumberland Mall, and the Place does NOT Disappoint! A Gold and White DDR Cab by the Mall Entrance to Round 1, a Great Concessions Area, and Excellent Staff!

And the Best Part?
TRUIST PARK, Home of Your 2021 World Series Champion ATLANTA BRAVES, Is just down the Road!
This will likely be a Hotspot for me when the MLB Season Starts Back Up...
An Atlanta Braves Game at Truist Park, a Trip to Round 1 for some DDR, and maybe a Night's Stay at one of the few Hilton Hotels in the General Area...

It's Perfect...!

Oh! The Song and Chart!
Heh... I've got to be honest, the GOLDEN LEAGUE songs from A20 and A20 PLUS are EXCELLENT. Some of the Best Songs in the Mix are in the Golden League, and it's a shame that it's locked behind a Class Grade System that requires you to play constantly to access some of the Songs Earlier than Others... So I'm left having to wait until the Song becomes available for Normal Play in order to see what I've been missing.

Nevertheless, Glitch Angel is available for Normal Play, so I finally got my chance to play it. And Needless to say, It's an AWESOME Tune! It's so good that all I can say is that You MUST listen to it!

As for the Difficult Chart, It's an Okay 13. It's not a memorable chart by any means, but for what it offers, there is some challenge there. Short 12th Sections Late in the Song, Plenty of 16th Combinations that would test your Step Accuracy, and Jumps at spots you have to be prepared for. It's not a Hard 13 by any means, but I don't it's that easy either. I'd have to play more 13's before I can make an proper judgment though. Otherwise, it's worth a play.

Thanks for Watching!

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