I’M NOT GOOD ENOUGH – Saved by God’s Grace Alone – Daily Devotions – Little Big Things

3 years ago

Do you feel like you’re not good enough? Did you know God accepts you as you are? You don’t have to earn your way to heaven.
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I’m not good enough. Do you ever feel this way? I know I have. There are so many times when I try and try, but always seem to mess up! I fall short, make mistakes, have bad thoughts and disappoint both myself and others so often that I have simply felt, I’m not good enough. Not good enough to be loved and not even good enough to earn God’s grace.

If we listen carefully, we’ll hear way too many people say, “I’m not good enough.” I knew a man who felt this way all the time, so just in order to feel better about himself and somehow, hopefully feel more deserving of God’s grace, he walked around with little rocks in his shoes, that would cause him pain and blisters, and by doing this, he thought it somehow earned him forgiveness.

So the question is, why do we feel like, “I’m not good enough,” and what can we do about it? To understand the problem, let’s first consider how our society seems to demand that we earn what we get. After all, we earn our grades in school, earn our paycheck at work, earn trust, earn loyalty and earn our reputation. In fact, it has been said, the only way to enjoy anything in this life is to earn it. Bottom line – if you want to feel good about yourself, you better earn it. If we follow that line of thinking, it only makes sense that we need to earn God’s grace and earn the right to go to heaven too.

Satan loves to lead us down this path. He tells us if only we could be moral, friendly, giving, and thoughtful enough, we can earn our way to heaven. Then, and only then, we can feel like we are good enough. Ah yes, but he is so sneaky that pretty soon he leads us to think, “If I tithe, follow the Ten Commandments, and say 943 Lord’s prayers, then, finally, I’ll be able to feel good about myself!

Of course, Satan even stands up and cheers for some super religious people who take all this self-righteousness even further…. They might put rocks in their shoes to suffer for Christ, or give all their stuff away, or even become fearless missionaries in order to earn Christ’s love. Can you feel the spiral? It’s as if Satan is encouraging us for more – more – more – all for the wrong reasons. He tells us that our 3.67GPA simply isn’t good enough, and only 4.0 Bible scholars make it to heaven.

When we put it this way, we can see how ridiculous this thinking really can be. Furthermore, the one commonality of this approach is that I am still at the center of my universe. Every good thing I do is still, ultimately, about me. Me earning it. Me feeling good enough. About me trying to save my own skin from hell as I earn my way to heaven.

And speaking of heaven, that’s another reason why this scenario doesn’t work. Because even if I do lots of good things, I mean REALLY good things, I’m still a sinner. Even if I only ever did one bad thing in my entire life, that makes me imperfect. God is perfect and his kingdom is perfect. So, just by entering heaven with my one sin, I now make it imperfect. It just doesn’t work! It is simply impossible for me to ever be good enough...

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