3 Bird Books Reviewed

3 years ago

Full disclosure: this video originally appeared on another platform.
Due to a speaking engagement I have today, I need to reference this video and share it. I'd rather point attendees to this platform, so here we are...

We have three (yes, my peeps, count 'em, threeeee) books reviewed all short-n-sweet in the video and I've got links to references right here. First up is the reference to Ziggy's Haven Bird Sanctuary. Their website is https://www.ziggyshaven.com/
A Honk in Your Heart book: https://amzn.to/3ukVJuK
Chicken Thoughts comic book: https://amzn.to/3kPtqkY
How to Train Your Human: a Guide for Parrots: https://bit.ly/2Y0Mcx3 or https://amzn.to/3kOMYG5

In the video, I allude to returning to the concept that the loss of a companion parrot can impact one's creativity and motivation when one spirals into depression, but I don't return to the topic. It was best to leave that sadness out of this short, positive video. If you WANT to see me cry, you can watch YouTube videos from mid-September 2018...and notice the drop in content shortly thereafter.

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