2. Crown; Privacy Act is Your Protection

2 years ago

There are two individuals initially registered on the legally offered legal forms after we (living baby) have been born. One is truth living us in the Bible (the supreme law book for all birth certificated secular/ godless mankind) mentioned in Genesis 2:7 as living breathing soul / Holy Ghost / Crown and in legislation defined in Privacy Act (for Australia that is privacy act 1988 of Australia sect4 and sect28A) as: Crown /or by default as private person. We as living Crown are defined in legislation as private person because spirit / living breathing soul / Holy Ghost is not visible to our rough 5-sensory perception … hence truth us are very private person legally described as private person or ==> “no name Crown” or “surname Crown.” As private person / Crown we were registered by maternity doctor or midwife secretly from our parents within 48 hours after we have been biologically born on the Notification of Birth R.G.-9 form, which precious document if not sold on stock market by our legal administrators should be kept by the state in hospital archive. Other legally registered individual after we have been born was our placenta. Placenta was also legally registered by the legal system and also was heavily upfront insured when our mother went to check if she is pregnant on NZ$230 millions for the case of stillbirth ... what death happened 9 months later after placenta died (actually after it was murdered by maternity doctor or midwife cutting our umbilical cord to early. Placenta-individual is known in modern medicine as our undeveloped/ unable twin absorbed in placenta in early stage of pregnancy and medically is also known as phantom fetus. Placenta / our dead twin was registered by our grammatically ignorant parents on Statement of Birth form under the given name and surname, under which combined, hybrid-monster / Antichrist commercial name of deceased person/ deceased placenta we living baby then were stacked by the state, and then we were brain washed in legal system to believe that it is our own truth correct and not misleading name, which ongoing identity error / impersonation is encouraging legal system all the way through our legalized /deceased person's (dead placentas) life to perceive us as demised (mentally disturbed/ unable, idiot, fool, lunatic) Crowns, as dead placenta estate, Demised Crowns whose dominions together with our headless Crown bodes hence need to be administered by the two major legal system agencies mental health and safety / police.

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