A Nocturnal Southern Flying Squirrel Visits or Feeder

2 years ago

The Southern Flying Squirrel is nocturnal so it only visits our feeder at night. They are a small squirrel typically 7-10" in length. It has thick, silky grayish-brown fur above and white fur below. It has very large eyes and a long, flat tail and it has a loose fold of skin between its front and rear feet. When it stretches out its legs, this skin forms a kind of parachute that lets the squirrel glide from branch to branch. As the southern flying squirrel approach its landing site, it pulls up, slowing its descent! When it is gliding, it uses its tail as a rudder to change direction. They mate in early Spring and again in Late Summer and they do not hibernate in the Winter. We have noticed two different Flying Squirrels coming to our feeders around 9ish at night and then many times thereafter.

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