
3 years ago

Or give up

It may seem like cowardice, but there comes a time when you must give up
of certain things. Continuing doesn't always mean claw and perseverance,
giving up what you want means an act of courage. Is important
understand that when someone really likes you, it's not necessary
fight for "spaces", because if it is meant to be, the other will give the keys to the soul
and from the heart. He will accommodate you in his life regardless of any circumstances.
We often have to face life as it is, even if for a moment
it hurts, scars heal. It's healed so many times, hasn't it?! stop fantasizing the
another and trust the future. We have to love what reality
shows us and not what we imagine seeing ;"I was born to suffer", a phrase that
many say, even I have already said it, but as things change and the
maturity arrives, I changed this "to suffer" and put "a warrior".
I was born a warrior, I was born to fight, I was born to fight, I was born to
fight for what I love and want to conquer, suffering is part of life
everyone, pain is part of everyone's life, but saying that you were born to suffer
it's victimism and something ridiculous, no one is born to suffer in the same way no one
is born immune from suffering," it is necessary to die, in order to
learn to live " you will suffer, you will think that everything is lost, that you don't have
way, but simply after all that, comes the reward, comes the glory,
comes joy, comes beyond all LEARNING, only earns the best rewards
and the most valuable prizes, the best warriors. But first of all you will
suffer and don't say you were born to suffer, because only those who don't suffer don't learn,
only those who do not fight are not won, only those who have not been humiliated are not exalted.

TEXT : Randaylton Santos Research: Vitor hugo lizardi leonardi

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