Watch the video of the most beautiful fruit apple in the world.

2 years ago

Apple is a kind of fruit. It belongs to the genus Malus domestica of the family Rosaceae. Apples are popular for their sweet taste. Apples are cultivated all over the world and the most cultivated species is Genus Malus 1. Central Asia is thought to be the birthplace of the apple, where its former wild species, Malus sieversii, can still be seen. Apple has been cultivated throughout Asia and Europe for thousands of years, and it was introduced to Latin America by European settlers. Apple has religious and mythological significance in many cultures, including Norse, Greek, and European Christian traditions. Apple varieties are usually produced by root cuttings, which in turn control the size of the plant. There are more than 6,500 known varieties of apples. [2]

Malas Domestica: Fruits of Honeycrisp variety: Floricultural classification of apple
Borkh. Synonyms grammar

The spelling of the word apple in Old English was originally apple, in the case of the Proto-Germanic derived from the original * ap (a) shame, which also usually means fruit. It eventually derives from the Proto-Indo-European * ab (e) l, but lacks the meaning of the exact word and the [need for clarification] between the two words.

Editing plant information
Apple trees and fruits


The apple is a slender tree, usually 2-4.5 m tall, the wild species is 9 m tall. When cultivated, the shape and density of the branches are selected by pruning method. The leaves are periodically arranged with green shaped ovoid curved margins and slightly lower undersides. Tree 5-12 m long and with broad and branched apex. Apple fruits ripen in autumn and are 5-6 cm in diameter. Inflorescences are produced together with leaf germination in spring, spur and together on some long shoots. 3 to 4 cm. (1-1 ^ 2/2 inches) Flowers are white with pink teens that gradually fade. Five papri is a flower with 4-6 flowers. The central part of the flower is called "King Bloom". The fruits ripen in late summer and autumn and there are different varieties of different sizes. The commercially motivated market aims to produce an apple with a diameter of 6-7.5 cm.

Wild ancestry

The original wild ancestor of Malus soyceae was Malus siversi. He saw jungles growing in the mountains of Central Asia in southern Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and northwestern China. Cultivation of the species, probably from the forests of the Tianxian Mountains. It was long overdue and had open rights for the genes of other species. [3]

Genome editing

Apple Diploid (although triploid varieties are not uncommon) has 16 chromosomes and an estimated genome size of about 650 (MB). Several burnt genome sequences have been made available. The first one in 2010 was based on Diploid Farmer 'Golden Delicious'. However, this first genome sequence contains a number of errors due in part to the lack of higher degrees in the diploid apples, which further complicates the assembly by combining with the ancient genome model. Recently doubled and trihaloploids have been sorted, as well as whole genome sequences with high yields. At first, the whole genome assembly was estimated to contain about 56,000 genes. Recent genome sequences, however, support a more moderate estimate between 42,000 and 44,600 protein coding genes. [4]

History editing

Apple is one of the first plants to be cultivated, and its quality has improved over the millennia. Alexander the Great is believed to have first discovered in Kazakhstan in 328 BC the shorter varieties of apples he had taken to Macedonia. For thousands of years, apples have been considered an important food ingredient throughout Asia and Europe. Chinese soft apples such as M. asiatica and M. prunifolia. Wild apples have been cultivated in China for over 2000 years. These are thought to be hybrids of M. bakata and M. civarsi in Kazakhstan. Among the characteristics selected by human cultivators are- size, acidity, color of fruits. Unusually used wild m in domesticated fruit. Severcy is slightly smaller than modern domestic apples. [5] [6]

Its significance in European culture and social system




Many varieties of apples grow easily from seed. However, there are many perennial fruits that are sweeter than the mother plant. That is why seedlings produced from seeds are called zygosity. The seedlings that are made from the mother plant are somewhat genetically modified. [10] The rootstocks used for the lower part of the graft can be selected to produce different types of tree size. Due to which different types of trees can be selected for production. In addition, to protect from the cold, insects, disease control and selection of soil for the plant needs to be selected. [11]

From the history of Iran and Asia Minor up to 300 BC, it is known that apple saplings were made from dwarf roots. Alexander the Great sent samples of the dwarf apple tree to Aristotle's Lyceum. Dwarf rootstocks or root systems became popular in the fifteenth century and later gained worldwide popularity and spread through various cycles. [12]


Main article: Pollination


Seeds on an old apple blossom


Flower garden bees perched on an apple blossom, British Columbia, Canada

Apple pollination is inconsistent. Fruits must be cross-pollinated for growth and production. During flowering season each season, apple growers often use pollinators for pollination. Especially bees are used. Special types of flies are also used in the garden to increase commercial yields. [13] [14]

Apples have 4-6 pollination groups depending on the climate:

Group A - Flowers come early. May 1-3 (England)
Group B - May 4-6.
Group C - Medieval Breeding, May 8-11
Group D - middle / late breeding, May 12-15.
Group E - Late Breeding, May 17-18
Group F - May 19-23
Group 6 - May 24-26

A variety of apple species at a fruit market

Commercially apples can be ripe for a few months by applying ethylene at controlled temperatures. Apples are usually stored in chambers with high air concentrations of carbon dioxide and high air filtration. This condition increases the concentration of ethylene in high amounts. Most apples are best kept in the refrigerator below 5 ্টি C for storage at home.

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