OVERPOPULATION: Are There Really Too Many Babies? [Opinion] (2022) | UnCommon Sense

3 years ago

"OVERPOPULATION IS KILLING THE PLANET!" Is this a fact or is this an elaborate fiction novel portrayed as news?

Although the persistence has slowed, in the last several years the media has hyped up the idea that the earth is overpopulated, but how much of these claims are fact? Is the population of earth reaching a point that the earth cannot sustain the massive number of people? Is there really a food shortage? Or are these narratives being pushed to scare the public?

In this episode, Billy and Butch react to statements from intelligent figures in our society and discuss their personal thoughts on the idea of overpopulation.

0:00 - Intro
0:28 - Welcome to UnCommon Sense
1:21 - Food Shortage
3:41 - Russell Brand clip with Daniel Pinchbeck
6:59 - Butch and Billy Discuss Overpopulation
14:12 - Overpopulation and Abortion
16:14 - Elon Musk Talks Overpopulation
18:16 - Birthrate and Overpopulation
20:20 - Food and Fertility
21:30 - Outro
21:24 - Bloopers and Credits

Audio now available for listening on multiple platforms!!

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