Best dog traning professional 🐶🐕🐕🐕🐕🐶 help to train a dog

3 years ago

Do you find yourself trying hopelessly to get your dog's attention? Does "in one ear and out the other" sound familiar?

Or does your dog find it easy to listen to you until he sees the dreaded mail carrier?

Whatever the case, it's important that us owners are able to capture and hold our dog's attention.

Just imagine the consequences if our dog ran onto a busy road and

was not able to listen to us calling him back! In this article I will cover 5 simple tips you can apply immediately to

help your dog become more attentive.

1-Brain Training

Brain training is a super effective way to increase your dog's ability to

pay attention to you!

2-The "Smacking Sound" Wouldn't it be great if there was a noise we could make at any time to

get our dog to immediately pay attention to us?

3-The Importance of Incentives

How would you feel about the idea of working without getting paid?

This is exactly how our dogs may feel when we ask them to perform

mundane tasks without rewarding them for their efforts! That is why incentives are so important in dog training. When you are out in the yard with your dog, how often does he pay

4-Reward Voluntary Check-ins

attention to you? Most likely, not very much, as he's far too busy

exploring the world with his powerful sniffer. Maybe it's time for a little


5-Right Place, Right Time

Choosing to begin training sessions at the right place and time can play a big role in whether or not your dog is able to pay attention.

Develops your Dog's "Hidden Intelligence" To eliminate bad behavior and Create the obedient, well-behaved pet of your dreams... check (Brain Training for Dogs course) from here:

Develops your Dog's "Hidden Intelligence" To

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