It's a conspiracy they told us (Build Back Better & Great Reset)

3 years ago

Why are we expected to make changes to our lives, yet people featured in this video do not?
'Build Back Better' used to push 'eco-Marxist, anti-capitalist UN agenda' and equates to their plan for total regimentation of the population in a neo feudal social order.

Because you can't build back something better before it is utterly destroyed. Communism (aristocratic socialism) can't succeed as long as there is a middleclass. The shutdown of businesses (take away income), Increase in energy prices (raise debts). All intentional to make people beg for government handouts and trade in their ownership of all they have....

The slogan “Build Back Better” has been harnessed by political and environment conscious institutions – such as the 'United Nations' and 'World Economic Forum' – as a tool to push the so-called Great Reset.

Referred to a description produced by the World Economic Forum – a champion of the Great Reset idea – where they “fantasised” of the “utopia” it would bring about, which read “I own nothing, I have no privacy, and life has never been better.

The World Economic Forum's experts predicted, and went on to fantasise that there will be a global carbon tax, US dominance will be a thing of the past, we'll have stopped eating meat and, wait for it, a global displacement of a billion people because of climate change,” he said.

But how do the World Economic Forum and the United Nations intend to bring about this utopia of theirs, this Great Reset they keep promising us? Well, they need national and state governments to play along.

And one of the key tools is a three word slogan... Build Back Better.

In a “lightbulb” moment, the World Economic Forum, among numerous bodies, recognized “the power of this innocuous sounding slogan”.

With a simple sleight of hand they realised any disaster can be the perfect excuse to build back better," he said.

Meaning build back greener but using the money that should be going to disaster relief to instead subsidise the eco-Marxist, anti-capitalist UN agenda at the same time as making renewables investors very rich.

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