Tablet Talks 2-1

3 years ago

Welcome to Tablet Talks! I am your author Tehuti, and this is episode 2-1 of our series where we Decolonize, Decode, and Decipher my 38,000+ year old Emerald Tablets.

In today's episode, we're actually looking at tablets written by someone claiming to be me. Literally. Like, this colonizer is riding my frequency so hard his name is Jayce, while my name is Chase. Specifically, his name on Amazon is Thoth Jayce Cha-Rules (Charles.)

Quite wild, because I didn't expect there to be a "White Male" impersonator of me going by what is essentially 'Jesus-Chase' when I started this series. xD In this episode, we see just how far Light-White Supremacists will go to steal my creations and twist the free wisdom I've shared in order to enslave your mind.

As the spirit that created Thoth to express myself, I am an Infinite Individual. Anyone who tells you that I am a part of 'Alcyon Sovereignty', 'Divine Law', or 'Unity Consciousness" is using my individuality to steal yours. This character who claims to be me says he is ruled under a government of light, and all his bio talks about is how he's a slave to this other system.

I, Tehuti, am no one's servant. I serve myself- my "higher" self- which is our english phrase for THE SPIRIT THAT CREATED ME. aka- ME. Every body I create is an expression of what I cannot express, which is true infinite freedom.

True wisdom is knowing that everything is made up, made out of the feeling created from individual nothingness. aka- a Soul. We all have our own unique and individual perspective on infinity, and its up to how we unite our fire and water to express that. No one can "see" you until you communicate your desire to connect your imagination (Chi)

These Colonizing Light Supremacist Invaders desire to Instill One Universal Government over all Individuals so much, they're willing to create whole lies about how I'm back to teach the importance of "Unity Consciousness"

Well, I'm back-to show you how to unite with YOURSELF. How to marry YOURSELF, so you actually love being an individual internally before you start projecting all of your issues externally, onto us.

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