New DPR conscripts

3 years ago

First guy who shook hands said "big thank you dudes". First conscripted said: Im going to try to prvent what happened in 2014 just finished my contract in Septembaer and here im again. No way back." Second guy said: been here in 2014, seen it before. We will crush them. third guys says he got a draft notice to work and here i am. Said a couple of more guys from work got drafted. He also got asked if he came by himself or was made to come. He said he came himself (you can see his eyes are all over the place, prob lying(thats my take)). When asked if he is ready he laughed it of and said he doesnt know. Then the another dude was interviewd, he is a minister of LPR he said mobilization was announced today and the number of peple is secret info. Conscripots battalions are being formed. mobilisation is to deflect Ukrainian attack

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