Jeremiah the Prophet's Message to Rulers and Citizens

3 years ago

God has a message for those who would take up the mantle of leadership of God's people. It is not a comforting message. God is testing all of his people to discern whether they will listen to his counsel or not.
Jeremiah the prophet, in a time of great national turmoil, was given a message to deliver to the people. God likened the nation to two baskets of figs, one was good and the other was rotten. God explains how he would preserve the good figs, those who trusted him and did what was right. He also warned the 'rotten figs' that unless they changed their corrupt, self-serving ways they would be destroyed.
There are lessons today for those in positions of leadership who are building their 'palaces' with slave labour, abusing their people and defying God's will. There is also a message of hope for those who trust God and follow his teachings. It is time we all consider where we stand and how God will work in our lives.

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