P&K Q&A S2 Ep15

3 years ago

All times are approximate.

1 Father's Prayer
4 Peter is on Rumble
7 Farmer bought tractor with YT ads
9 Internet money making
16 Ex DJ Van
22 Origami and Construx
25 Real people are the new YouTube superstars
27 Government jobs
28 The new economy
39 Instrument driving conditions
43 Canadian Charter of Rights (Supremacy of God & Rule of Law)
47 Fundamental freedoms (Canadian Charter)
53 Police oath (RCMP excepted)
1.06 Emperor's new clothes
1.08 Michael's plan
1.10 Raves and Powwows in Ottawa
1.12 Occupy Ottawa
1.17 Can Judges judge God?
1:30 What is fair tax?
1.42 Circle the trucks
1.46 RCMP oath
1.50 Do Canadians have the right to bear arms?
1.53 Brian Pickford before the Supreme Court of Canada
2:00 Technical difficulties

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