2 years ago

⚜️I was back with the CCW Socal @ccwsocal team for my quarterly training and we took it a notch up this time with new sophistication and challenges with respect to our firearms. Everytime I go out in the field to train, there's always new learning to take home and the healthy competition within the team makes it a fun and engaging session. We do LOE, Federal and Ccw shooting quals quarterly to hedge against liability with Tim Kelly

Trainings like these, ensure that you are proficient with your firearm and exercise your skillset. The goal of this was to get better at decision-making on the fly especially if you're fighting in an environment with lots of civilians. We also did the sessions in low-light scenarios to mix up things a lil bit.

Special thanks to Tim Kelly of the CCW SoCal for providing special training.

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Protector by nature and by trade

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