Ottawa Police Horses Trampling Old Ladies? Old Warrior Reveals His Origins & What Canada Will Do.

2 years ago

a You have declared this on all of Canada? Us vs you? So be it.
I have seen enough and now the game is on. We are going to push this Trudeau so hard that he will wish he fled Canada to seek refuge in a different country under a rock. There will be calls for his arrest, political opponents and new parties and strengths will be formed like Canada has never seen before. The division and this regime of the unwanteds will be ousted hard and indefinitely. It will be done legally and democratically, but it will be a taste of his own medicine and it will be excruciating for him. No matter his home life or personal plans, they will be finished and there will be no hope for him in politics or Canada ever again. The name Trudeau will only be but a bad memory in Canadian history as the nation goes forward for all peoples of all backgrounds, loves and dreams. This peasant will come out of all adversity including all the barriers put on us including on our voice and platforms, nothing can be done to prevent this regimes undoing.

#Trample #Trudeau #Ottawa

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